Moon Rivers



1 year, 11 months ago


This character was originally a recolor by; Wolfina21

Cutie mark by; Quoterific 

Height: 6'2 (Tall pony)

Weight: 350 LBS

Age: 24

Mental age: 40's

Eye color(s): Pale blue

Contacts?: None

Glasses?: None

Face shape: Average

Describe their eyes: Small, relaxed

Describe their nose: Average

Describe their lips: Small, thin

Ears(pointed, cat, etc.): Pony

Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): Average

Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.): Upturned wings

Extra extremities(Another arm, tail, horns etc.): None

Hair color(s): Light Blue

Hair length: Medium-Long

Hair style: Curly, wavy

Skin/fur color(s): Pale yellow-brown

Complexion: Smooth

Patterns/designs(on skin/fur and where they are, such as a zebra stripe pattern): Down-pointed fur

Scars: None

Birthmarks(and what they are/were): One on left hoof

Tattoos(what they are and where): None

Piercings(what they are and where): None

Mental state: Fairly Average

Personality snapshot: Forgiving, calm, and caring

(optional)In depth personality: Moon Rivers is a calm, caring mare with an amazing sense of forgiveness. No matter what, she always believes in second chances, even if you beat her up to the point of hospitilization.

Most prominent personality trait: Forgiving

Best traits of their personality: Sweet

Worst traits of their personality: Some would say 'too' quiet

Current faith(religion): Whatever ponies believe in

Current superstitions/quirks: She's a pegasus, which is technically a mythological creature in our world

Alignment(good, evil, etc.): Chaotic Neutral

Marital status(Single, married, dating, etc.): Single

Occupation: None at the moment, she's still paying for college

Good habits: Sharing with others

Bad habits: Not many, other than being all too quiet.

Abilities(As in powers): Moving water using her wings.

Special skills(Not meaning powers): Painting, especially realism.

Hobbies: Gardening, painting, sitting by the water, and sometimes baking if she so desires.