


2 years, 11 days ago


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Helios Hellfire

♂ • Hell Spirit

" Sun from Under."

  • VERSE -
  • WORTH < $100
  • BIRTHDAY March 1
  • RACE Hell Spirit
  • OCCUPATION Summon Servant
  • ARCHETYPE Jester
  • VOICE Deep-toned
  • THEME Hell's Comin' with Me
  • Bones
  • Extreme Weather
  • Fire
  • Flowers / Nature
  • Freedom
  • Meat
  • Cold Weather
  • Commitment
  • Industrialization
  • Religion
  • Restrainment

"To those who suffer getting blood out of a stone. Savage, revenge, resourceful, I am your answer. Legend no longer, but living among others."

Known to few, Helios' presence is sought out after by many avangeful souls. The history of how Helios came to be is uncertain. Some guess he was once a living being who was cursed. Others believe he is just a friend of the devil who pulls weakened hearts away from the land of the beautiful to the depths of hell. Origin of this being being found in the late 1600's. Many indivisuals believe Helios gives witches their powers. Though this is all legend. Or is it?

Those who have gained Helios as a servant were found to merely become a host for his soul. Villages whome summoned Helios were only found the next day in ashes of where studs of wooden houses and stone skeletal structures.


He grows restless each day he is locked in his void of a prison.

When not in the presence of a master, Helios finds himself locked away in a never-ending depth of a prison he calls home. To keep himself dying from boredom, he is constantly practicing his will to control fire.

Ever so often when he grows too restless, Helios is able to expell his soul in a breath that is able to wiggle through the locks of his keep. He is then able to take in his surroundings, though only for a short distance before feeling exhausted. This allowed Helios to keep up with the world around him and not fall behind on the time-peroid. Those who Helios noticed while expelling felt a cold breeze and the anxious feeling of beast watching them from afar. Helios often times found this entertaining to mess with individuals.

When summoned, Helios accepts any order. High or low. Summoning is done by a saying written in a dead language that roughly translates; "To those who suffer getting blood out of a stone. Savage, revenge, resourceful, I am your answer. Legend no longer, but living among others." From then, a bond is formed between the host and Helios. Helios can go anywhere at his free-will, but summons himself besides his masters side instantly at the slightest feeling of command. Only when the hosts needs are accomplished are they to send Helios back to his void;

"May Hell forgive me for my dire actions. Stone now stained red, never to show its natural beauty again. Savage, revenge, and resourceful this spirit has been my answer. Hell accept me."


Helios was once alive.

As a child, Helios often kept to himself and enjoyed reading in his spare time. Gathering his books that were in the trash from his village library. Home life was pratically meaningless. A father out of the picture, busy himself with traveling across rough seas. His mother too occupied keeping other men busy. Helios's grandmother, though, kept the light in his eyes.

"Take a look around you, little sun," she would say, "light touches everything you see." She would sit next to Helios in the woods as he read, "even the shadows try to reach the sunlight."

Helios often times found himself the victim to village boys. "Look who it is," they would spit, "its the fatherless squirt." Words stung Helios's ears as they would hit him. Only to return to his grandmother covered in black and purple bruises as tears stung his cheeks.

"Do not let those shadows dweal," she would hold his face, "the power of the sun is more than you think." She would wipe the tears carefully from his face as she softly smiled. Together, they held hands as they walked to their church service.


His father never returned. His mother packed and moved away with a new man, leaving Helios and his grandmother behind. Helios scowled as he watched his mother walk away. His hand held by his grandmother as she knelt down, "You are strong, little sun," she brushed his hand, "you will overcome it."

"It's just pain," he would tell himself as he sniffled, "just pain..."

While collecting local berries for his church, Helios was once agained surrounded by the village boys. "Please-" he yelped as he was shoved, berries splattering all over himself and the ground as the boys laughed. It wasn't far from the norm, until one boy pulled out dry brush, "Let's see how much you burn, Demon."

Only until the pastor heard distant cries did he find Helios and the boys. "What is going on?" he pressed as he scrowled at all of them. Only after bickering back and forth did they bring up fire. The pastor looked at Helios, burn marks all over him. "It was the demon," they all screamed. The pastor quickly grabbed Helios, "you possess such thing?" He spat, Helios was too stunned, his eyes burned, "so it is true..."


"Helios is no such thing," his grandmother would calmly cry, "he comes to every service. He is only a child." The pastor and his grandmother would bicker back and forth. Only until the pastor mentioned death did Helios's ear ring and go numb.

Rope was tightly wound around his limbs. Any movement burned as Helios turned to face his grandmother, "Grandmama," he whimpered. His grandmother cried as she reached out to Helios, only to retrack her hand when other villagers stopped her from moving forward.

"Today remarks a day we remove a snake, a hell-spirit tainting our faith," the pastor chanted as he held up a torch. Smoke stung Helios's lungs. Villagers chanted as they blindly watched.

"May the devil reclaim you," the pastor spat at Helios as he dropped the torch. Helios wiggled, desperate as the fire caught onto the ropes around his wrist. Only until they snapped did he quickly untie his ankles did villagers scream.

"Run, Helios!" His grandmother cried, "Go, little sun." The words echoed in Helios's ears. His body numb as he quickly ran into the forest.


Time had passed. Helios grew larger in height, but the lack in diet made him thin. His eyes often swollen from tears as he scavenged nuts and berries.

"I will find her," he choked up, "I will find her and we will leave." He picked flowers as he looked around him. Light touching each part of the forest. He found himself staring at the shadows longer.

Time caught up with Helios. His frail, boney body laid on the ground as he exhaled. "I will find her..." he whimpered.

"The shadows are shrinking," Helios thought to himself as he turned his head on the grass. Shadows shrunk. He grew hot. Not hot, steaming. Boiling. His blood gurgled as the light hit him.

A faint voice, "...blood out of stone... savagery, and resourceful you are..." the voice was calm, but stern, "I am your answer... living among others."

Savage. Resourceful. Revenge...

"I am your answer... I am your answer." No longer in that faint voice, but in his own. Heat shot through his body.

Helios opened his eyes. Confused, he looked around himself, the forest looked differnet. His scars from the fire were no longer present. His body, lean, but muscled. He stood up, taller.

Savage. Resourceful. Revenge.

"Grandmama..." he exhaled as he turned, leading his now heavy body back towards the village.

His home looked nearly the same. "How much time has passed..." he asked himself as he looked around. The village looked almost the same besides a few upgrades here and there.

"Those bastards looked like life had paid them well," he said as he watched the village boys who once tormented him walked with their new families. "Not now..." he sighed as he made way to his old home.

"Grandmama..?" Helios whispered as he carefully stepped inside. He hit his head on the ceiling as he entered. He grunted, holding his sore head as he noticed someone walk in the room. He lowered his hand. "Hello?" A tired voice replied as they walked out. She let out a small gasp as she covered her mouth with her hands. "H-Helios..?" She cried. Helios, for the first time in a long while, he let out a weak smile.

"What happened to your face," she brushed her hand on her grandchild's cheek, "it looks like a skull has grown across your face."

A loud bang on the door, "we know you're in there!" Helios snarled. His grandmother let out a worried sigh, "you should leave, little sun." The door flung open, but they quickly haulted at the sight of Helios. "Demon!" They chanted. Torches they carried brought back haunted memories. The next few moments turned into a blur.

"Pheraphs it was you... you who tained this demon to come." The villagers yelled as they held down his grandmother. Helios lunged, but not fast enough.

"I'm so sorry," his grandmother cried as wood made a quick swing at her. Blood splatted. Not from her, but from the villagers.

Fire spread. Destruction began, and before Helios knew it. His turned his old village into a hell of his own creation.


"I should have been faster..." Helios choked as he stood. Blood slowly dripping from his talon-like claws. He lowered himself to his grandmother's limp body as he placed his hand over hers, "Please forgive me."

He slowly picked flowers around the house. Slowly walking over and placing them around a large pile of dirt. Smoke stung his nose. Fire was crackling behind him the village remains were creaking. Any other villagers who once lived there had either fled or become victim to revenge.

"You Devil." A voice stung his ears. Helios didn't turn, staying crouched infront of his grandmothers grave as the pastor, dirty and drentched in sweat threw a stone at Helios. "Stay away!" He spat as he picked up another stone, but dropped it as soon as Helios lingered over him.

"I wish I would have done it sooner..." Helios grabbed the pastor and lifted him off the ground, "the sun burns when flesh is exposed." Blood soon stained stone beneath him.

Returning to the forest, Helios sat exhausted.

Tears stung. "May Hell forgive me for my dire actions..." he sighed.

"What have I become," he looked at his red-stained talons. He covered his face with his hands as he curled his tail, "Stone now stained red, never to show its natural beauty again."

The ground beneath Helios began to sag. Slowly, Helios sank under the earth.

"Savage, revenge, and resourceful this spirit has been my answer."

Helios glanced up at the sun, his white pupils gleamed.

"Hell accept me."

  • Climbing
  • Reading
  • Pyromancy
  • Nature
  • Obsession
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Climbing
  • Observation
  • Strength
  • Will
  • Curse Bonded
  • Family-Oriented
  • Climbing
  • Emotional-Discconect
  • Pyromancy
  • Commitment
  • Loss
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • FOOD Grandmama's stew.
  • COLOUR Forest Green / Maroon Red
  • ANIMAL Mourning Doves
  • NUMBER 1
  • HOLIDAY Thanksgiving
  • SEASON Fall
  • TIME OF DAY Midday
  • GENRE Mystery










  • "Religion has your back. Armed with a knife."
  • "I am the devil that is forgotten. But the forgotten always get the best kills."
  • "Unless you wish to get a little burnt, I'd suggest you back off."
  • "Distastefullness is the best satisfaction."
  • "Piss off unless you want to piss me off."
  • Helios' torso is wider than the rest of his body. Big chest boi.
  • Helios stands at 8' tall (243 cm).
  • Helios will often times visit his grandmamas grave. Every time replacing with new flowers.
  • His ability to manipulate fire was not instant mastery. He's got a lot of time in his prison okay.


Sweet. Caring. Broken since Helios was banished.

Once famous for her flower arrangements. Grandmama would volounteer her time creating flowerbeds around her village.

Always supportive of Helios. Taught him how to make proper flower arrangements and to read. She would often times be seen in the woods with him, listening to him read about his book while she would study plant-life around her.

Was sadly killed by the village as they ransacked her home when (reborn) Helios visted.



Describe the characters' relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Mauris egestas lacus non risus pretium mollis. Cras suscipit elementum sapien eu varius. Aenean aliquam lorem turpis, vitae bibendum nisl aliquet eget. Cras ut tincidunt quam. Praesent laoreet accumsan interdum. Curabitur venenatis nisi at est fermentum dignissim. Nullam nec ligula leo. Mauris iaculis tempus aliquet. Nunc tincidunt elit id laoreet sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed commodo diam in elit condimentum interdum. Donec vel massa ut ipsum rutrum sodales. Nunc volutpat, eros id ornare varius, enim neque mollis quam, eu hendrerit sapien nulla id velit.



Describe the characters' relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Mauris egestas lacus non risus pretium mollis. Cras suscipit elementum sapien eu varius. Aenean aliquam lorem turpis, vitae bibendum nisl aliquet eget. Cras ut tincidunt quam. Praesent laoreet accumsan interdum. Curabitur venenatis nisi at est fermentum dignissim. Nullam nec ligula leo. Mauris iaculis tempus aliquet. Nunc tincidunt elit id laoreet sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed commodo diam in elit condimentum interdum. Donec vel massa ut ipsum rutrum sodales. Nunc volutpat, eros id ornare varius, enim neque mollis quam, eu hendrerit sapien nulla id velit.

Code by Aurorean