


2 years, 15 days ago


Orange tripod tabby cat with green eyes, missing front right leg. 

Female, unknown age

One of her ears is clipped from TNR.

Stray cat that frequented Lux's workshop and was unofficially adopted by him. She was technically feral when they first met; Drill kept coming back and hanging around until Lux started to leave out food and water for her. After that point, she started meowing at him for attention and would rub against his legs until he pet her. Lux didn't ever worry about her getting lost or hurt, since she would just show up on her own schedule. Over time, she started spending more time in his workshop and less wandering out on the streets. 

After Lux moves in with Ransom, Drill is made into an indoor cat since the area is unfamiliar to her. The interior of the house is large enough that she doesn't seem upset at the change. She spends a lot of time lounging in the sun in the greenhouse and the enclosed patio, where she also likes to find bugs to bring back to Lux as gifts. 

Given the name Drill because she would always get super playful zoomies whenever Lux used the drill. Still goes absolutely crazy whenever power tools are in use. She has absolutely no fear of other loud sounds, including vacuums and vehicles. 

Definitely the type of cat that will abruptly stare into space while grooming herself like she's forgotten what she was doing. Absolutely a derp. Very friendly/social, but she really only relaxes with Lux. Later behaves the same with Milo and Ransom after moving in to the house.