Anthony “Tony”



2 years, 15 days ago


Anthony (tony)

"When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live"

Tony is a very chill guy, usually doesn’t know what’s going most times but goes along with whatever someone is doing. He likes spending time with a childhood friend named Trayvon, together they do the most random stuff out of boredom and don’t think twice before doing something from time to time they do get in trouble but they just laugh it out. Spending time playing games at the arcade is one of his favorite things since he was a kid and being an adult didn’t stop him from still playing them. He has a twin sister named Mattie, he doesn’t talk to her that often but plans on doing it more sometime.


Name Anthony “Tony” Lieberman
Age 20
Gender Genderfluid (He/him/She/her)
Species Human (American Jewish)
Birthday February 14
Height 5’8
Orientation Straight (ally)
MIXTAPE Click here

  • The arcade
  • Cartoons 
  • Chocolate cake 

  • Silence 
  • Part of his family 
  • Anything sad/ depressing 


  • Is Jewish
  • Has a twin sister named Mattie
  • High School drop out 
  • Has been friends with Trayvon since elementary 
  • He smokes but has been trying to quit that habit (he’s getting there)
  • He is Genderfluid and sometimes goes by the name of Tamatha/Tammy and also uses she/her pronouns 

Design Notes

  • This design of the character takes place only in the 80’s 
  • He barely sleeps that’s why his eyes are somewhat kinda red
  • Very childish
  • Zones out a lot 
  • The rare times he’s with Mattie he likes to really bother her by copying whatever she is doing 


Tony grew up with his family till he was 18. Since a very young age he had a very good bond with his twin sister, Mattie but as time went by they started to drift apart. He dropped out of high school (during Junior year) which made his parents mad because he was just one year away from graduating, so they gave him the option to literally just leave the house or get a job and help them pay bills and Tony just ended up getting a job but never really helped his parents pay anything, instead he saved up money to move out of the house once his sister graduated. He was very criticized by his family over the decision he took but it didn’t really affect him at all and he just decided to keep living his life. 

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