


6 years, 5 months ago


                                                                                           Jilaiya (in my universe) is the Lucifer herself. 

Name; Jilaiya. No one really knows her middle or last name, or they don't exist. It's unknown, she's not very open to others.

Age; 274. Physically appears to be around 23.

Species; Six-Armed Demon.

Personality; Jilaiya is a very anti-social person. She often is seen inside the castle walls and prefers to stay there. She's open-minded to ideas on how to improve Hell, but don't expect too much right away. Jilaiya is kinda cold at first, and not trusting of others. She's sensitive and will not show her true feelings until she's alone. She doesn't want to ruin her "Satan" reputation by crying because her cheesecake fell onto the floor. Jilaiya is very mother-like and is very kind to the demons below her. Unless, of course, they do something they're not supposed to. She's a Sadistic Masochist and will not hesitate to punish someone. She loves to dance, however she doesn't do it unless she knows for sure she's alone.

Likes; Cheesecake, Ginger Ale, her right-hand man Solomon (best friend kind of way), her high heels, listening to music, going on walks at night (she's mostly nocturnal), swimming, children, making flower crowns, visiting the mortal world, jewelry, food, gifts, hugging people with her six arms, baring her fangs to scare the damned.

Dislikes; Being patronized from the older demons, people staring at her, mustard, having to stay still for longer then 5 minutes, having nothing to do, people stepping on her tail, not being able to be seen by mortals (she would like to scare them, too, but she can't), Long sleeved shirts, wool (itchy), snakes (ironic), backstabbers, her accidentally scratching herself with her claws/ruining clothes with claws, having to get custom-made clothing for her arms, snitches.

Accessories; Jilaiya wears a simple black choker at all times, as well as her double pearl necklaces. Her long claws are usually painted black. The blue orb between her horns is like a crystal ball. With it, she can see any corner/inch of her domain at all times, as well as parts of the mortal world she has visited. She also can use the orb to travel between Hell and the Living.

Extra; As stated above, Jilaiya has six arms. She uses them for multiple tasks at once and will happily give you big ol hugs with them. She's 5'8", has a small hourglass shape, and very long leggies. With her highheels she stands at about 5'11"-6'0". She has a long tail that is pretty sharp at the end. Her blood is a light baby blue and her skin is soft/warm to the touch. She does have a human form, but she prefers her normal six-armed self. She has a tattoo on her back.