Uolevi Padwell




Prince Uolevi Padwell

The standoffish son of Prince Percy and Princess Yaotl.  Known by the general public in Padwell as the “dragonling prince”, the Queen’s grandson with scales and glowing eyes.  As the prince has refused to explain his mutation, all sorts of explanations are offered by local gossips instead; the worst of which that he devoured one of his own adopted siblings.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Humorous Serious


  • Plants.
  • Nice clothing.
  • Books.


  • Annoying people.
  • Dirt/getting dirty.
  • Blood.


  • Has a scar on his right eyebrow, small silver claws on his hands and feet.
  • Uolevi’s teeth are very sharp. He doesn’t like others seeing them, and tends to avoid emoting too much in public or even eating in front of strangers.
  • The white streak in his hair is genetic, and inherited from his mother.
  • Stands at 6’4 tall - often has to duck to get through doorways.
  • Has a big appetite.

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