Ladislau Petrescu



2 years, 14 days ago



Ladis is a Romanian missionary who moved the Mexico in his early 20s to proselytize (booooo). While there, he settled down in a village and got married, had a daughter, and lived a happy life. Around when his daughter turned 18, she met a rather rough around the edges cowboy who charmed her. Ladis would have loved to focus on this and on determining that the man was worthy of his daughter's affections, however he was simultaneously dealing with having just caught vampirism. Knowing the dangers and heartbreak in store for himself and his family if he stayed, Ladis gave his blessing upon the young lovers before faking his death and fleeing into America.

Over the next century and a half, give or take, Ladis traveled the world. He became disillusioned to his faith and sought only to surround himself with what was beautiful and more permanent than fleeting human life. Eventually he commissioned a large mansion in southern Canada, and filled its halls with paintings and statues. He studied history and humanities, and eventually became a college professor. All was going well in the renaissance of Ladis's life, until he traveled into Michigan to meet with an artist regarding a commission. He stopped in an odd hotel in Petoskey, and as he was walking across the lobby, the floor opened up and swallowed him. The next 10 years he spent trapped in the floor of that hotel, unsure of why or how, until whatever magic held him there was broken and he was able to burst free from the ground. 

Upon resurfacing, Ladis found himself facing his son in law. You know? the one that should have died a century ago? After some extensive confusion on both their ends and stumbling explanations, Ladis made clear his situation and discovered he had been trapped through an entire zombie uprising, the collapse of society, and the destruction of said zombies. He also discovered his son in law had accidentally sold Ladis's daughter's soul in exchange for his own immortality and magic. Ladis deliberated on killing the foolish wretch then and there, but determined not to as Will (his son in law) was the only one who knew where Xochi was and how to free her.

As it is now, they are heading to Washington D.C. to open a portal to hell and doom slayer their way through until they find and free Xochi.