Zachery (plasmic)



2 years, 8 days ago


Name: Zachery
Gender: Male (he/him pronouns)
Species: Plasmitherium
Class: 3rd
Partner: Katansi
Homeworld: Eskalon

- Immunity to electricity, breathes hot gas, strength when in presence of radiation.
- He also has unordinary abilities: immunity to prism venom and the ability to handle, generate, and harness electricity.
- Former ability: hyper-speed during flight.

Brief Background: He does not have wings like most plasmics do. Erebus ripped them from his back to hold a sense of control and power over him, more than he already does. But despite that, he has the ability to harness and manipulate lightning as he is one of the 1st class descendants. He became known as the Prince of Eskalon (a planet formerly owned and ruled by a follower of Erebus), after he and his partner, Katansi, attacked the former king and his followers until all surrendered. The former king was known as a tyrant, and as this was Zachery's homeworld and in retaliation against Erebus, he sought to bring war to the king until he had died or surrendered. This automatically crowned Zachery as the new leader of Eskalon. He still remains a skilled assassin and he isn't afraid to risk his life for those he cares about.

Personality: He's often quiet and introverted. He tends to avoid most social activities and others in general; he cares about what others think about him. He experiences anxiety around large groups of others he doesn't recognize. He often experiences depression as well but does his best to hide emotion. It's difficult to befriend Zachery, but if one gets past his barrier, he will protect his friends and those he cares about with all he has. He may be sarcastic sometimes, and he can certainly hold a grudge against those that try to hurt anyone he cares about or betray them/him.

Likes: Lightning, the color blue, music, stars/space, swords & throwing knives, night.

Dislikes: Nightmares or bad memories, being lied to or used as an item, bright neon colors, others pointing out his scars.

Zachery was stolen while still in the egg so he never met his parents or any possible siblings. Erebus' elite soldiers had searched for eggs to steal and then raise into the kingdom to shape all the hatchlings into elite soldiers and skilled warriors. Zachery was one of the ones that were stolen and raised by Erebus' soldiers. He originally never cared much for Erebus or the war, but he enjoyed combat and wanted to better his skills, so he willingly chose to serve under Erebus and join the war. Erebus and Kaijuriko separated upon discovering Erebus only wanted power from Kaijuriko (since Erebus was originally just a 3rd class but marrying a 2nd class automatically makes any plasmic a 2nd class as their spouse) but with Erebus being so popular, he remained a 2nd Class Warlord of Darkness. Zach knew of all the legends and history of Erebus, and the rumor that Erebus left his own brother to die, but that didn't really bother him either as it wasn't his business. Zachery was a skilled soldier in the war, he was best at close combat and genetically immune to prism venom. Erebus recognized his strength in combat and promoted him to his own personal assassin. Since that day, Zach tried to remain as loyal to Erebus as possible and eventually after hard work, became his right-hand. Zach was always pushed aside during meetings and left out of urgent matters, and never got to meet those Erebus would typically talk to for important matters. He was always kept in the dark but it didn't bother him as much since he only looked up to Erebus. It was until the day he sent Zach to kill Kaijuriko that his life would change. Zach accepted the task of course, since he was under Erebus' allegiance and not Kaiju's, but when he failed to kill Kaiju, Erebus never treated him the same again. Erebus would degrade him, lash out his frustrations on him, and all Zach could do was take it as his loyal right-hand. He disliked it, he did, but there was no one else he could willingly follow and pledge his allegiance to, he had nothing but Erebus and his kingdom for a home, and Zach didn't want to be labeled a traitor to his kind. He tried to convince himself that Erebus would eventually praise him for his hard work and dedication for serving under him all his life and maybe in return Erebus could reveal where Zach came from and who they stole him from. But Erebus never did either of those things and continued pushing Zachery over the edge. At one point he tried to convince himself that it would be better to leave, after just being used as a toy for Erebus to bully around but he couldn't. A voice and feeling still compelled him to stay with him, which Zach understood that Erebus had the power to manipulate one's thoughts and feelings, but surely he wouldn't waste his time and abilities on someone insignificant to him right? Each day he felt more and more attached to Erebus, almost like he wasn't even himself anymore and just a pawn for Erebus to move around and command- a slave; but that power over him made him feel entirely comfortable. When Zach finally decided to stop taking orders from Erebus and tried resisting his power in order to escape the abuse and torment, Erebus shredded his wings with his own talons to keep him trapped in the kingdom and on his planet. At that point, Zach knew he wouldn't ever be able to be free, and then over time he also began believing he didn't deserve wings since he wasn't ever going to be free anyway. Upon roaming the kingdom streets, he heard music down a long alleyway and decided to investigate. He discovered a club full of masked plasmics, and on their masks they had a certain painted symbol that he didn't recognize. One of the masked plasmics took a glance at Zach- specifically his missing wings and scars and they nodded their head and called a few other masked plasmics over. Before Zachery could leave after drawing attention, one of the masked plasmics stepped in front of him to stop him. They explained that judging by how Zachery is dressed in black and purple kingdom accessories that he had worked within the kingdom and close with Erebus. Another one jumped in, saying that they could guess Zachery no longer enjoys working under him after seeing the missing wings. While they were right, Zachery had to explain that there was no way he could leave the kingdom, or even the planet since he couldn't fly and hyper-speed, but the masked plasmics offered to help him escape. They introduced themselves as the Resistance, and they all had formerly worked under Erebus until they too had suffered too much. Many of the masked plasmics revealed that they were also missing wings, but the majority of them still had theirs since they worked under Erebus before the elite soldiers brought in the stolen eggs and implemented the wing punishment. The masked plasmics removed their masks and introduced themselves, also dubbing Zachery as one of their members. One of the winged plasmics introduced themselves as Katansi, and he was the one appointed to provide escort and a way off Planet Shinenn for those who are unable to fly. 

Theme song(s): (Grabbitz - Die For You)