Cynthia's Comments

any of my chars interest you again?

I didn’t see anyone I’d use

Does anyone in my TH other than Galadriel interest you at all? 

I’d be willing to do Spoons, but I wanted to ask since the worth difference is a bit great could I ask for more than one character? 

I’d actually be willing to do Sugar if you’d like 

Heya! I'll accept! n so sorry 4 my late reply I was thinking on this since tbh I was just wanting to trade her n wasn't rlly looking to trade another character so super sorry for not replying sooner! /lh

You’re totally fine I get it! I’ll send over Sugar right away 

yay!! thank u sm! I'll send the girl back to u as well <3

Kornkittyz Anyone in my th interest you

sorry for my late reply!! n I didn't see anyone!

Hey hii I updated my TH a bit since last time, does anyone or multiples interest you at all? 

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The only one that’s offlimits is Pinky because I’m getting ready to co-own them with someone

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I’d do Graham! 

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Anyone at all interest you in my TH-? I’ll even offer multiples if so 

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ok thank you for responding! 

Does anyone in my market folders tentative or eo interest you?

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Ah ok let me link some sfw OCS! 

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No problem!

These two have nsfw versions of their refs, they should be hidden but are marked if for some reason they aren't. I could also remove them and hold onto them till 18 if traded

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No worries! Thank you for looking!

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someone else with squirrel truesona!  your girl is very beautiful sniff

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heart eyes emoji

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Can I draw her? Her design is literally so amazing

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Of course! ^^

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great! send the points here  and i’ll send over this lady ❤️❤️

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sent this gal over!

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they're beautiful! i hope they go to a good home 💖

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I can ask if she’d consider 10k points if u want!

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well currently she's considering offers so idm letting her know! $120 aint too bad i mean

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she said shed possibly consider it!

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fr a fly comes out of my wallet when I open it

Oh my gosh they’re so cute and squishy,,,

Would you consider anyone not in my forever homed folder

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i cant offer a lot but 25 dollars and maybe some art?? i can throw in charas or customs if desired!!

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