Kacey Limestone



6 years, 5 months ago



No. 01

Full Name: Kasey Pepper Limestone

 Reason for name: The first few words that popped into her head when she was naming herself.

Nickname: Kase

Reason for nickname: Only friends occasionally call her this, no real reason.

Age: 0 (She's generated artificially, she's an adult and her years will increase as time goes by)

 Sex: Female

 Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Laboratory

Birthday: January 1st

Currently living in: Travels and occasionally sleeps in containers or wherever she can hide.

Species/Race: Albino Winged Ferret

Blood Type: O Negative
Occupation: None, but kind of rules over a lot of people and tricks people at times.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual, but possibly not??
Social Status: Some look at her highly, some are afraid of her, and some think she's all talk.
Relationship Status: Nothing yet, she doesn't understand love yet.
Status: Immortal (ノ・o・)ノ


Body Build: Skinny with long body, not strong and gets trapped often.
Height: 6' 4
Weight: 115
 Fur Color: White
Hair style: Short pixie, It just started growing.
Hair colour: White Eye
colour: Red

Distinguishing Features: Her albinism and wings

Preferred Clothing: None, but occasionally accessories

Accessories: Masks, Stolen Scarves, and etc.

Health General health: Healthy, but often has problems because she was artificial and her body can't really handle wings.

 Posture: She can bend her spine like crazy, and it is not very good because her wing bones intersect with her vertebrae.

Any physical illnesses?: Albinism
 Any mental illnesses?: Not really? XD
Take drugs?: No
 Smoke?: Doesn't understand such things

Mental/Emotional State Archetype: Often lacks common sense, she's like a child but the smartness of an adult. It's very complicated.

 Mental age: Adult for intelligence, child for common sense and understanding.

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Not really ┐(´~`)┌

 Emotion-wise, generally: Often happy and unaware of her actions Conversation

 Way of speaking: Quite excited and mischievous.

 Common conversation starter: Looky here! Howdy!

 Swears?: Doesn't really know or understand swears.

 Made-up words?: Probably XD

Made-up language?: IDK she babbles sometimes

 Likes/Dislikes Likes: Shiny, New, Unknown, other peoples things.

 Dislikes: When she doesn't get what she wants.

 Hobbies Stealign little trinkets and accesories unintentionally
 Habits Twitching wings and wiggling fingers.
 Strengths: Flying, Tricking, and Stealth Weakness: Conversation Skills/Abilities Flying, Magic Mask Collection, and Speed.

History **Coming soon**

 Relationships Family: Erin, she donated most of her blood to her.

 Love interest: ??

 Friends/Allies: Her guide, Erin.

Enemies: ??

Quotes: "KC, that's a nice name, but spell it in English, please. It's Kacey."

Acts like a spirit or goddess, even if she is not.