Muruko Fujiwara



2 years, 6 days ago



Constantly a bit on the edge, difficulties with expectations, a little languid most of the time. Swaps over to being more outgoing when it involves the supernatural.



Cold Udon,

Foggy nights, 

occultic trinkets, 

visiting mostly uninhabited areas


talking about his family, 


long term assignments, 

busy/cramp places, 

sour things.



Lives in a large home but a smallish room (was meant to be the childcare room).

Has a strict father, mid 50s and a sister who is 2 years older (16-17).

His mother passed away when he was 5 years old to a terminal illness that was onset exactly 1 year after he was born.

Father is a head of a company (not inherited) and his mother was a shrine maiden before marrying and becoming a homemaker afterwards.

His Grandfather is still alive but estranged and is head of a shrine (out of town)

After Muruko's mother passed, Muruko was taken in by his father's grandparents until he was 10 years old and his grandmother passed (82).

He was able to more or less keep up with his sister's exceptionalism until he went to middle school.

There he met and befriended the founder of the detective club and is an ongoing member.

Example Events:

Something happened on TV and he wants to visit the scene, In the middle of the pre-final cram a surprise breakaway outing, Going to an abandoned home to investigate, He got sick and you visit his home uninvited

Player Responses:

connecting the end of an investigation with the occult, breaking him away from the expectations by his peers/family, treating him at face value, helping him out of facing his dislikes

Romantic points as quotes:

"He is impressive at times, but also a bit eccentric."

"I want to protect everything that makes him smile."

"When he glows, he shines the brightest."