


1 year, 10 months ago


 Goddess of Balance and justice


Age Immortal
Alias  Goddess of Balance
Gender Female
Species God
Pronouns She / her

  • Her aesthetic and outfits have a "princely" feel, and also fencing outfits.
  • Although she's drawn with a serious expression, she's not very grumpy
  • She also wears her hair in different styles: low/high ponytail, hair down

Krisine is the daughter of Aurum and Eve, and is worshipped as the one who presides over justice and revenge. Although her domain includes the law, it also extends past it. She punishes traitors and helps those who have been wronged. 

She has blonde hair like both of her parents and golden eyes. She has a pair of white wings. Krisine often wears white and gold, the colors of her family, and her outfits focus mainly on mobility and comfort. She carries her sword with her anywhere she goes. 


solitary                                   social

observant                              dense

logical                             emotional

organised                              messy

assertive                           turbulent

 Some words here 

Maecenas ac pretium quam. Mauris ullamcorper, sapien ac pellentesque egestas, sem urna blandit felis, et scelerisque metus lacus ac diam.

Phasellus tincidunt neque elit, quis facilisis odio molestie in. Nulla neque lectus, malesuada vel congue sit amet, tempor quis est. Quisque sit amet nisi nisi.


Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Donec placerat arcu a turpis commodo eleifend.

Aenean at odio velit. Morbi accumsan condimentum nunc, vitae semper justo luctus vitae.


Born during a war between gods, she was thought to have been a sign of future victory, of good prevailing over evil. Because of that belief, Krisine was being worshipped by humans from a young age. She feels a fierce loyalty to her followers and an obligation to help them with whatever they need. This has lead her to many conflicts where she does not have a clear answer of what is the wrong or right choice, and she regrets many of her actions after they have already happened.

Krisine and her younger brother Orion generally get along fine, but sometimes end up in quarrels that pile up into bigger conflicts. This has been happening since they were young and often leads to at least one death. Luckily, as they get older, they both make an effort to reduce the amount of fights they have between them. 


  • Her nickname given to her by her brother is Kris. No one else calls her that because they're intimidated.
  • When she was born she was gifted a sword made out of a sun ray
  • She has very good posture


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

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Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!