Nakuri (Augmentations)




Nakuri’s entire skeleton has been plated with a lightweight high density metal alloy, with the exception of his teeth and the bones in his ears. This allows for his body to withstand massive pressure, weight (either through crushing or carrying), and damage without any bones breaking or collapsing, while also increasing his weight to more than 200kg (~450lb). These augmentations are designed specifically to increase his capabilities and survivability as a melee fighter by working in conjunction with his fightsuit. The suit provides external protection to extreme elements and damage, as well as the ability to fly at high speeds, hover and increase his strength.

In order to supplement this, all muscles in his upper body have been entirely replaced with a synthetic muscular system. His leg muscles have not been replaced but have been supplemented with a similar system. His nervous system is also supplemented to increase his pain tolerance, while also increasing his sensitivity to his own movements. A synthetic organ has been augmented to his heart which infuses his blood with a synthetic, self regulating fluid that allows the augmentations to not be rejected by his body while ensuring that they also do not need any external upkeep or maintenance.

His skin and all other internal organs are untouched and natural.


Nakuri’s right eye is entirely bionic, the size of a regular eye and connects remotely to a system in his skull. The system is similar to a small computer that is partially AI-driven, and can be connected to through ports installed in the side of his skull (either by plugging in his interface, plugging in to screens with specialised cables, wearing his fightsuit helmet, or simply wearing his eye). The eye cannot be turned off except through external means (i.e. destruction, EMP, etc.) and is active at all times. It can be removed to be used remotely, in which case he uses his interface to see (and occasionally covers his left human eye in order to reduce double vision).

The eye records everything and stores it in the system in his skull simultaneously across all channels. This allows him to cycle through them in the moment as well as overlay them on review after the fact. Channels can be focused on one at a time or can be overlaid together during live function. When idle (i.e. when Nakuri is simply wearing his eye and not actively inputting instructions), the eye will overlap channels with the most activity. To combat this overstimulation, he wears his eyepatch most of the time to dampen some of the detections.

When used remotely, the eye is capable of floating wherever he places it (however it cannot move on its own), as well as projecting recordings. Images from his eye can be transmitted up to 100km away. Between 100km and 500km, the images can still be transmitted but with a delay (a longer delay the further the distance, up to five minutes). At distances greater than 500km, there will be no transmission of images, though the eye will still record on an internal computer. Once within the 500km range again, the recordings will automatically transfer and image transmission will resume.

In addition to the various channels, there are also various HUDs that can be used. These include text, video and audio communications, real time environment analysis (i.e. measuring meteorological data such as wind speeds and air pressure, measuring landmarks, mapping coordinates) and basic assessment of living beings (i.e. heart rate, temperature, physical profiling and injuries). It can also be used telescopically however the range is limited and the quality greatly reduces the more he zooms past a certain point (kind of like a cellphone camera’s digital zoom).


  • Regular 
    • (visible light)
  • Ultra Violet 
    • (includes extreme and near)
  • Infrared 
    • (includes near, mid and far)
  • Thermal 
    • (sensitive between -273c (Kelvin Zero) and 750c (lower end of average surface magma))
  • Radiation 
    • (similar to the radiation mapping they're doing in Chernobyl but with like. A couple millennia extra advancement)
  • Radar 
    • (able to detect any solid matter larger than a beagle)
  • Meteorological Radar
  • Sonar imaging 
    • (think underwater imaging they use for mapping wrecks and trenches)
  • Sound imaging
    • (based on sonar imaging, visual mapping of sound waves emitted by things other than the sonar system, and their interaction with elements of the environment (i.e. using the sound of someone talking to map their location and the environment around them))
  • Waves 
    • (Covering Micro through Long Radio, appearing similar to Thermal)
  • Microwaves
  • Short Radio waves 
    • (FM through AM spectrum)
  • Long Radio 
    • (very high through to extremely low)
  • Extremely Low Frequency 
    • (focuses specifically on the lowest frequency radiowaves, reducing range significantly but allowing for the detection of things like brain waves, transfer of electrical power in a power grid, stealthed vehicles and living beings, etc.)
  • Gamma ray detection 
    • (appears similar to ground penetrating radar imaging)
  • Residual Trace: Living Beings 
    • (works on the same principle as ELF, however is more specifically tuned to things related to living beings, such as heartbeats, breathing, etc.. Less accurate than other methods alone but is used as a supplementary to provide a starting point or to trace gaps in recordings in other methods, such as for following teleporters and hyperspace jumpers)
  • Residual Trace: Technology 
    • (as above, but attuned to various forms of technology including static devices, transportation and robots. Bionic individuals will also show on this, though only the augmented parts of them)
  • Residual Trace: Arcane 
    • (as above, but attuned to the residual traces of magical energy, including spells and beings made of pure magic)
All channels work up to a range of 10km in all directions, with the exception of Gamma ray detection (only works at distances above 100km from his eye's position) and ELF + residual traces (maxes out at 1km, with detections past 500m becoming more faint and blurry, with all detections considered 'useful but grossly unreliable without other information')