


1 year, 11 months ago









no biney


Canadian lynx/serval hybrid


freelance artist and musician


they’re very upbeat, very silly but they also have a more gentle/serious side and they like to have thoughtful conversations with friends. “Cringe” is not a thing to them and they are not ashamed of who they are or what they’re interested in. they have autism and adhd and a whole slew of mental illnesses and while these things can be challenging to deal with at times, they see it as having a different view of the world and society in general. They are very creative, and love to share their ideas and art with friends. They are intrigued by drugs and often times this leads to them being reckless with substances, but they are learning to control themself better. They are a bit of a hopeless romantic, having often short and disastrous relationships due to their incompatibility with others; maybe soon they will find someone who truly understands them and loves every part of them.


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1296385?1640624761 GYNX

Half-sibling. As kids, G and Axel didn’t really get along. They grew up in a kind of shitty household and for the most part, were forced to be independent. Axel was practically the opposite of G; kind of bratty and stuck up (think popular middle school kid lmfao) and they grew up with the ideation that they should act a certain way and refuse to care for anything seemingly “cringe” due to the pressures of other kids in school and the people they made friends with. (Idk how to word this right but hopefully i’m getting the idea across lol) eventually, their “popular middle school kid” status faded as high school started, and they had to drop out because their adhd was causing them to have poor grades to the point that it was irreparable and they knew they weren’t going to pass that year. They were very frustrated with themself, and they confided in G how they felt about life, school, gender (they were still figuring things out at this point). She helped them come out of their shell. They started going to raves with their sibling, going to community events. They started to dye their fur and hair all sorts of vibrant colors. They got piercings and body mods. They found the self they had denied their entire life, and fell in love with it. She denied herself nothing, free of shame. They felt real for the first time in their life.

speedcore?8 PERSON HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.