Kami's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

TOYHOUSE RULES (Failing to respect the rules can lead to blacklisting from the species)

• Please do not delete this TH profile and always keep the Ashuri on this TH profile even after trading/reselling/gifting to others.

• When trading/gifting/reselling your Ashuri make sure the new owner is aware of the toyhouse rules.

• Ashuri can only be resold/traded/gifted after a 1-month cooldown, meaning you have to wait a month before trading/reselling/gifting them.

• Ashuris can only be resold for the same price as it was bought, additional funds from commissions can be added but gifts/trades/your own art are not considered "commissions".

• Every ownership transferal of this Ashuri must be logged here: http://fav.me/ddrfr8d (IMPORTANT)

• You've already read and agreed to the official Ashuri TOS: https://ashuri-species.weebly.com/tos.html

Masterlist number 905