Is anyone in my TH of interest? Only 100% off limms are Voltaire & Astral!

Thank you for the offer but I didnā€™t see anyone for similar value

Iā€™d be happy to do multiple to match the worth! <3Ā 

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Hi! Full worth is 390$ including pending commissioned art from michi.bun
I definitely would accept USD, payment plan, character + usd or similar value trade!

I liked Nimrod and Soren

Anyone in my Marketplace folder?Ā 

Would be okay with you?

Ahh, I'm mainly wanting either a resale or mixed offers for them. Is it alr if I think abt it for a bit?


Aaa, I don't think I'm willing to let them go for 'em on their own </3

Sadly I didnā€™t see anyone else for similar worth

Hi! I just wanted to let you know Iā€™m still interested in trade if youā€™d take Them into consideration again in the future!

hhh big dreamie hope they get a nice home!!