


6 years, 5 months ago



"boa noite"

FULL NAME Coventry Jackson Cardoso
AGE Early 20s
BIRTHDAY July 13th
BIRTHPLACE Sao Paulo, Brazil (future)
SEXUALITY Heterosexual Demiromantic


Born to an American mother and a Brazilian father, Coventry started right off as a tough little girl. Her family relocated to the Southwestern Republic, formerly part of the US, for employment purposes when Coventry was about 5 years old, so she doesn't remember much about Brazil.

The Southwestern Republic itself was born from an American loss in World War III, in which the US had to surrender the greater part of its western half to Mexico. After the subsequent World War IV, in which the US tried and failed to win the territory back, the surrendered territory took its freedom into its own hands. They didn't want to be a part of Mexico or the US, so when the two again started fighting over who got the territory, the newly declared Southwestern Republic fought for its own freedom. This ended up causing World War V. Against the odds, the SR defeated its adversaries and formed its own government. However, the new regime was week, and it soon became a front for two rival gangs, Glory and Bloodlust, to fight over control of the country. The power and popularity of both groups grew until memberships numbered in the thousands.

Coventry arrived in the SR during a period of Bloodlust control. Her family lived there for about a year before they were caught amidst the chaos of a Glory-led riot. Coventry's parents were kiled that night, and she lived on the streets until a Bloodlust member found her. He offered her a home and she, being a naive 6-year-old, took it.

Her new "home" was not what she was expecting. Bloodlust's violent tendencies were no secret, but Coventry had been well-shielded from the world she now lived in and had no idea of their true extent. Bloodlust's main form of entertainment were highly technological gladiator fights which took place on digitalized "game boards" that could be set to mimic different climates and settings. Coventry was taken specifically to be one of the fighters, specifically called "gamesters."

Gamesters were treated brutally. Medical treatments altered their biological makeup to make physical injuries completely inconsequential. Lost limbs would regrow in a matter of days, and mortal wounds would heal in a few minutes. Along with this, a gamester was only fed when he or she won a match, and were kept alive otherwise through "nutrient injections." These injections prevented their bodies from becomming malnourished, but did nothing to alliveate the pains of hunger. Coventry was imprisoned here, forced to fight for the entertainment of others, for about 13 years before an opportunity for freedom arose.

Every 20 or so years, Bloodlust would hold a match in which the winner would be let go. By luck of the draw, this match happened to be one Coventry would fight in. Through heavy use of strategy, she won the fight and was set free. Freed life, however, was not the charmed life she hoped for. Almost everyone was suspicious of ex-gamesters, and life was almost as difficult away from Bloodlust as it had been in it.

With no family, friends, or funds, Coventry wandered the SR for a few years, quietly fighing against the gangs when she could. It was through her subtle efforts that she discovered Mateo, the leader of an underground resistance...


Coventry's fighting style relied heavily on strategy. As the smallest of the gamesters by far (Coventry stands at a majestic height of 4'11"), she used her size to an advantage whenever she could. She earned the nickname "Jack" from her tactic on learning how to use different weaponry. While most gamesters picked one weapon and focused on it, Coventry took a "jack of all trades" approach and learned how to use each weapon with moderate proficency. This, along with on-the-spot strategizing and downright luck, ended up being what let her win the match that earned her freedom.

  • Her parents never intended to leave South America, so Coventry grew up speaking Portugese and Spanish. She didn't start learning English until she was about 13.
  • The medical treatments she was subjected to as a gamester are what caused her eyes to turn orange (they were brown at birth). The treatments also turned her blood green. Something went slightly wrong in one of the treatments, resulting in random instances of heavy bleeding from the mouth.
  • Coventry was the only one of her group of gamesters who spoke Portugese, but all of them spoke Spanish. She didn't have to learn English until she got a handler who didn't speak Spanish.
  • Mateo was so sad when he heard she hadn't had cake or strawberries since she was 6 years old that he immediately baked her a strawberry cake and told her she wasn't allowed to share it with anyone. Strawberry cake has been Coventry's favorite food ever since.
  • More trivia.
  • Etc

Character belongs to pulsecameo  •    Designed by pulsecameo
Art by Unknown  •    HTML by Jayden   •    Layout Design by Valentine


51129861cbbdcfcb3b02a619_58c93451509173c MATEO

love interest • song
He's about as opposite of her as a man can get, but he was the first person to make an effort to understand her. They've got each other's backs when things get rough and are generally well-suited to being together, but at the moment neither of them know the other has feelings for them.
51129861cbbdcfcb3b02a619_58c93451509173c CHARACTER

relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id orci sit amet arcu posuere ultrices vel pulvinar justo. Suspendisse placerat augue vitae massa consectetur tincidunt. Duis interdum arcu nibh, nec efficitur neque blandit nec.
51129861cbbdcfcb3b02a619_58c93451509173c CHARACTER

relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id orci sit amet arcu posuere ultrices vel pulvinar justo. Suspendisse placerat augue vitae massa consectetur tincidunt. Duis interdum arcu nibh, nec efficitur neque blandit nec.