


1 year, 10 months ago


Vulpes vulpes X Tyto alba

#003 is the product of our attempt to combine the stealth of a red fox with the watchful eyes of a barn owl. Unfortunately, the cranial rotation abilities of the owl proved to be incompatible with its body. The head of this creature is permanently situated facing backwards.

>> Head is always backwards, even when walking. Despite their head, they walk forward normally.
>> General movements are normal, including sitting, standing, and laying.
>> Can bend it's body, specifically above the neck, to an uncanny degree.
>> Cannot eat or drink on its own, must be helped to ingest to survive.
>> Highly carnivorous but can eat berries and some veggies as a treat! Prefers meat, though.
>> Eyes are nearly unblinking. Eerie and unsettling. They reflect light similar to a feline when in dim lighting.
>> Reliant on sound and scent, rather than sight. Rather stealthy in spite of it's shown issues.
>> Around the size of a medium dog, yet maintains the litheness of a fox in spite of its size.
>> Feathers are attached to its body and hurt when pulled or yanked on. They molt naturally, like most birds, and grow back over time.