Maddie Kingsley



1 year, 11 months ago


she/he (cis, but spicy) | 25 | lesbian

- Micah's twin sister! about 15 minutes older than him

- exclusively plays games like dark souls and bloodborne. to her, if there's no blood, it's no fun

  - sometimes plays animal crossing with Micah, but all she does is run around and hit his villagers with an ax

- often calls herself a boy to match Micah calling himself a girl

- always very grumpy, despite her more cute style. her personality does not match her aesthetics gjnkl

- not a serial killer, but helps her brother hide the bodies lmao

- also never left her mcr phase, it just doesn't show.

- can and will chug a bottle of honey and then eat two bags of ghost pepper chips. I don't think he has any taste buds tbh

- also pretty much exclusively drinks either coffee with an ungodly amount of cream and sugar in it and whipped cream on top, or just straight vodka. or energy drinks.

- not very good posture tbh. it could be worse but it's Not Great

- kinda the angry lesbian stereotype tbh. she's mostly just grumpy and doesn't like socializing

- femmes can be angry. as a treat.

- he's like if a greasy gamer boy was femme <3