Celise Shoket


Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Celise: From ‘Celsiella’; Genus of glass frogs || Shoket: From ‘Kishoutenketsu’; Classical Japanese narrative structure


Wordsmith (By Tuuya)


11 Solar Sweeps / ~23 Years (Died at 11 Solar Sweeps / ~23 Years)


Non-Binary (They/He pronouns)


Bisexual Biromantic (Male preference)



Blood Colour:

Teal-Blue cusp



Symbol Meaning:

Alchemic symbol for ink


Glass frog

Strife Specibus:



Librarian, Former screenplay writer


Lives in a small fishing town known as Vernrot Harbour



♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

Celise is a quiet but passionate troll, especially when it comes to their writing. They're a budding screenwriter who has recently been picked up by a well-known director, however their visions of a perfect psychological thriller are shafted and transformed into generic shlock made to make money. As much as they still love their job, the constant stress and feelings of inadequacy have made them feel like they're only just holding themselves together. They're fidgety, nervous, and prone to stuttering, but equally prone to losing their temper and becoming violent when pushed too far. However, they refuse to accept their stress-related problems to the point they're in complete denial such a violent personality even exists.  


  • Screenplay writing
  • Movies and film analysis
  • Books, reading (Any genre, but mostly prefers fiction over non-fiction)
  • Psychological thrillers with surreal/abstract symbolism
  • Macabre or otherwise 'dark' subject matter
  • Music box covers
  • Aromatherapy (Has a particular love for the smell of lavender)

Misc. Information:

  • The types of stories they like to write are very abstract and psychological, focusing more on symbolism and moral ambiguity in characters rather than a coherent plot structure. They tend to favour dark subject matter, and using horror or supernatural elements to establish the main character's point of view as unreliable.
  • However, since the directors who choose to adapt their scripts are more focused on making a huge profit, their scripts become butchered and turned into generic horror films. The monsters become real, the characters become tropes resembling Celise's ideas in name only, and cheap jumpscares are added in favour of the original stage directions.
  • Despite this, they're frequently praised as being a brilliant writer, and movie executives are always clamouring for more. As much as Celise likes that they've finally reached their goal, they can't help but feel frustrated over the disrespect others have for their scripts, and suspects they're being lied to so that they stay in the business.
  • They still have some hope that one day they're finally get a proper adaption for their scripts, even if they've become rather pessimistic over the perigees.
  • This pessimism tends to bleed into their everyday life, and they always assume the worst possible outcome in every occasion. 
  • Their constant gloominess makes it difficult for them to write anything that isn't somber in tone.
  • The fishing town they live in seems to be plagued by perpetual rain, with most buildings looking old and weathered. It's population is mostly transient, as it's a common location for sailors to stop for supplies, and travellers to stop by and peddle their goods.
  • They work at the local library part-time as a way to relieve stress from their screenwriting job. While it doesn't get many visitors, they find the solitude to be comforting.
  • They're incredibly quiet, both in terms of voice and the way they move around without making a sound. They're jokingly referred to as a ghost by both their co-workers and the few regulars at the library, since no one tends to notice them until they actually speak up.
  • They have a lot of nervous habits, including stuttering, repeating words and sentence fragments, fidgeting, biting their nails, picking at the skin around their nails, picking loose threads from their clothing, twirling their hair, and scratching at the back of their head.
  • They don't like conflict, and prefer to let people walk all over them or tell them what to do. Instead, they just develop grudges and grow to resent those who push them around too much.
  • While they usually can just barely keep a hold on their stress levels, when pushed too far they'll explode. They'll scream and shriek at anyone nearby without any filter to stop them from saying what they really feel, they'll become panicky, and sometimes they'll even throw things or hit others.
  • These violent outbursts often manifest in their other primary outlet for stress relief, which involves stalking and then brutally butchering whoever happens to get in their way. While they haven't been caught or even suspected by Legislacerators, their crimes have been attributed as the work of a serial killer by the media.
  • They fervently deny that they're capable of murdering in cold blood, to the point where they dissociate entirely whenever they have a stress-induced outburst. They hear the words coming out their mouth, or see the mutilated body of a troll and an axe in their hand, but cannot comprehend that these actions are theirs.
  • This results in them being unintentionally prone to gaslighting others, as they refuse to believe that they could say such words or hurt others in such a way. They'll deny and say they didn't do anything seconds after the event, and even when provided with proof still don't accept their faults and apologise.
  • When it comes to befriending others, they're more interested in the types of stories other people have rather than what they're like as a person. They tend to only see others as a potential inspiration for their writing, rather than an actual companion.
  • However, despite not really enjoying the company of others, they'll remain friendly and amiable and don't have any intentions to push people away. 
  • They're a staunch vegetarian, and are disgusted by the mere sight of meat.
  • They don't have many hobbies that don't directly relate to their jobs, but they've recently found an interest in aromatherapy. They're still learning about the subject, but at the moment they're trying out different essential oils to see which one helps them stay calm. So far, they really like lavender.
  • They're also interested in gardening, but since their hive's location doesn't lend to sustainable agriculture, haven't been able to properly pursue it.
  • They like slow and somber instrumental music featuring piano and strings, as well as music box covers of songs. They collect music boxes to listen to while writing.
  • They have the interior design sense of an old lady. They have doilies under every ornament, cabinets filled with old china, potpourri and lavender-scented objects all over the place, intricate lace curtains, ugly furniture, and vintage floral carpet in every room.