Vesna Dragovic



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Vesna Dragovic






Deinonychus antirrhopus


Historian and fabulist of FalconLake (Vesna’s hometown)


STR: 25 // VIT: 30// AGI: 50 // DEX: 10 // TRANS: 0 // ETH: 0 // TOTAL 115//



    She’s a very down to earth individual who values honesty and truth above all things. Because of this she can be very blunt and opinionated on her thoughts and isn’t afraid to share them. Due to how she was raised she believes conflicts and fighting is a natural part of life, but will not interfere in an external fight believing that everyone has their battles to fight and any for assistance is a form of weakness. The only exception to this is if she somehow is getting a reward for her assistance, be it a share in treasure, meat, or ether crystals.


    Shortly before vesna’s hatching rumors began to spread of a mysterious illness.  The occurrence baffled everyone in Vesna’s village as it was always rare for a dinosaur to fall ill due to their hardy nature; more often than not, they usually died of old age or of combat wounds than of disease.

    The tales described an incurable illness. Its victims would develop a cough and start losing feathers, seemingly out of the blue and within a few days their personalities would become drastically different. By weeks end their mind would go mad. They would be unable to speak a comprehensible language. They no longer would follow any social laws.  From Soul to Beast, the rumors would always end.

    Although unnerving, very few villages in the kingdom of Drakontos, did much beyond breaking the habit of throwing sewage and garbage in the same lake that was used to supply drinking water, and keeping a closer eye on what little hatchlings ate during their playtime.

    And so, Vesnas was born. From an early age the elders of her village knew that she had a special gift.

    While other Deinonychus’ of her age were interested in hunting game or honing their skills and claws Vesna had an interest in strategy and finding out the specifics of their quarry. And unlike most carnivore hatchlings, who were often prone to “bullying” (i.e. attacking) the herbivores and omnivores of their groups, Vesna took no interest. She wouldn’t stop her fellow raptors from attacking a group of Ankylosaurs, but she wouldn’t exactly assist them either. She would rather opt out and watch, asking why her cousins were doing this, and how Anatol the Ankylosaur was doing after he had his leg bitten by Rorik the Acrocanthosaurus.

And so, on the day of her Fifteenth birthday, a day where all of her kin were assigned apprenticeships, Vesna was brought before the village council and entrusted with the role of historian.

    Unlike most species that have the aid of opposable thumbs, the written language never caught up in Vesna’s culture. Instead, one dinosaur of each generation was handpicked to become historian and story bearer for the village. They would become an apprentice to the current historian and would begin the task of remembering and retelling the stories of the villages past until the day they died.

    It was a perfect fit for Vesna.

    Within four years she successfully managed to retain all of the old lore the village had collected within the five hundred years of it’s founding. She was able to retell them with her own personal flair, knowing just when to pause and when to add a dramatic boom.

    But just as her apprenticeship was at its peak, Vesna’s master fell ill. First it started with a rash, then a loss of feathers. Before long his memory became jaded, and he was frequently found roaming about the edges of towns looking lost and disoriented. . It was the same mysterious illness as the rumors had warned. Before long his mind was lost for good and the village had no choice but to execute him before things got out of hand. It was a disturbing time for Vesna. None of the stories she had studied warned her about this. And now she was expected to continue on the footsteps of a mind that was laid to rest far too early.

    She wasn’t the only one troubled by these events. Across the land many dinosaurs were falling to this mysterious illness and to no avail could anyone pinpoint the cause of it. The disease didn’t seem to be contagious as caretakers would be fine after dealing with a patient. Yet after one dinosaur would lose their mind, three more would begin to show signs the disease.

    Within a year of her master’s death, half of Vesna’s village was showing symptoms of the disease, and the neighboring towns were in even worse off shape. With smaller populations to gather plants for the herbivores and meat for the carnivores famine was becoming a growing concern. Tensions between villages were growing high as well as food supplies dwindled and paranoia over catching the illness continued to rise.

    Both distressed and annoyed by the events, Vesna took matters into her own hands and set out on a journey to find an explanation and cure.


            Strong bite: a deinonychus’s bite is as strong as an alligator’s  (consequently her jaw is as weak as one as well, a human child could easily keep her mouth closed, as her jaw is designed to keep her mouth shut rather than open)


            Thermal Imaging: similar to a snake, Vesna has the ability to detect the body heat of a creature. This skill isn’t particularly honed it gives Vesna a better idea of any warm blood creature in the area and possible sources of heat in times of trouble but that’s about it. It does not alert her to the activity of cold blooded creatures or ones that are closely associated with water or ice.

            Primal Instict: As a carnivore she was trained from a young age to be silent and swift when it comes to hunting and tracking her prey. And growing up in the wilds of Larea Vanya, tracking game in the woods and swamp area is almost second nature to her.

Additioanl info:

    The kingdom Vesna grew up in is known as Drakontos; a kingdom where dinosaurs of all kinds, both herbivore, carnivore and not, live in peace. Located in Preaness Region the kingdom itself is relatively new, not even three hundred years old. Prior to this, the area Drakontos is established on, was once a battleground and feasting ground between carnivores and herbivores of all types.

    The social structure is rather rocky between carnivores and herbivores and at the start riots were a huge problem between species, especially with hate crimes and murders among the herbivores.

    The only reason the kingdom itself has been able to survive this long is because of the religion of Derkesthai, which has a strong hold of all dinosaurs in the region. It acts as a bridge between herbivores and carnivores, asking for all believers to look beyond their physical desires and needs and to look at the bigger picture.

     Derkesthai religion preaches that all dinosaurs are the fractured shards of dragons (which would be the equivalent of Christian angels in their culture) and that to become truly perfect and whole, one must learn to cooperate with their neighbors, lovers, and enemies and over come their own selfish desires for the greater whole. The desires of one will destroy the needs of many.