Sala Haw



6 years, 5 months ago


Name - Sala Haw/Boneset ..i'm undecided

Ageit progresses

Height - 5'9

Appearance - Sala has a weary face, with constant dark circles and tired eyes. She is tall and thin, fluctuating between slim and underweight. She has large hands with long fingers that tremble. She has a long nose, thick eyelashes and thick eyebrows that just about meet in the middle. Her hair is thick. It is dark, like ebony wood. Her skin is pale but more olive-y (not very rosy, her veins are visible where-ever it is thin) and there are many dark moles and little freckles upon it. 

Voice - Deeper and quiet

Aesthetic - Board - november, hawthorn and rosehip, sleep, cream coloured linens on a dark mahogany bed-frame, blood, violet nail-beds, thorny branches, deep red flowers, birds, book piles, stitching.

Personality -  She is inward and sorrowful, people find her unapproachable. She is obedient, introverted, a perfectionist (she won't stop what she's doing until she's satisfied or worn out and crying). She's a dreamer and an excellent storyteller.

 She enjoys reading and she writes too, she finds happiness in sitting alone to read and writes notes in the margins. She doesn't know much about love or friendships. She's a quiet crier. She is fearful of many things and startles often, especially at sudden touch. 

She's very thoughtful and empathetic, willing to help those who need it. She protects creatures and though she might end up crying too, she'd try to help cheer up a friend if they were upset.

Relationships - wip

romantic interest - wipher abuser - wip
Her mother, who, when Sala was a child, was supposedly killed. But the night she was, Sala saw a moon-bird escape through a roof and fly towards the forest.

Additional - 

Sala is often sickly, having not left the home of her arranged husband much in her growing life. She also has no idea how she should talk to people so she keeps her mouth closed when she comes in contact with the townsfolk. They don't trust her anyways and believe that she brings sadness and ill feelings. The day she was born in midwinter the sun barely rose at all. When she bought a loaf of bread from the baker for the first time the other loaves did not rise. She feels lost wondering amongst living people.

She likes to sit by the fire, she loves warmth like that for she is very cold and has poor circulation. Her nail-beds are always violet.