Rajani "Jenny" Adulyadej's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

SwimInThunder Global Rules
By adopting, buying, or receiving a character or design from me, you acknowledge that you have read and have agreed to obey this Terms of Use/Service.
Terms of Service
This ToS is active on all previously designed characters and all future designed characters unless explicitly specified otherwise. I expect that these terms will be followed to the best of everyone's ability.
If these terms are disobeyed, I will message you directly. If you continue to not cooperate with these terms, I will enforce punishment via one of the two following actions:
A) You will be banned from receiving characters/designs/commissions from me for the future.

B) You will lose ownership over given character(s) or designs.

l am rather relaxed with any characters I have given away or sold, so if you get tired of a character or no longer want to possess ownership over them for any reason, feel free to let me know and I can take them back. If you wish to give or sell the character away to someone else, please discuss with me first.
  • Revamp, update, change, or edit the characters/designs as you wish as long as it remains recognizable to the concept it was designed.
  • If you are using my art for any particular character, always credit me. (If you made art of a character you own, you do not need to credit).
  • If you want to stay true to the original canon of any character I may give, feel free to message me and I will happily tell you everything!
  • If you want to change any details in the original canon of a character you have gotten from me, feel free to!
  • Be kind to the characters! I put a piece of myself into every character I make, so consider your new character a new friend! <3
  • If you have received ownership of a character I designed, feel free to make them into your sona or kin with them!
  • Do not steal or copy designs or characters I have create
  • Make art of any of my characters unless explicitly specified you can do so otherwise.
  • Do not turn my characters nor my art into NFTs. If you received a character from me, do not turn them into NFTs.
  • Do not remove watermarks or signatures. There is a reason they are there.
  • Do not disobey any other posted rules for a character design that I may have.
  • Do not disrespect any design I have created, whether owned by you or someone else.
  • Don't re-sell my characters. If you want to, message me. I will likely say no, but it depends - chat with me about it.
  • If you make an offer of payment, you will not receive the character/design until payment has been received.

Extra Rule for Commissions:

*You are required to credit me for any art I make for you.