Lyra / Blue Wyvern of Orthel



Basic Info


Lyra Zure / "The Blue Wyvern of Orthel"


Human / Wyvern Spirit (possessed armor)


Female (She/Her) [both]


5 ft. 5 in.


20 ft. (human) / 75 ft. (wyvern)


135 lbs. (human) / ~2 tons (wyvern)


*Character lore is a work in progress and subject to change, here is a super quick rundown while college is kicking my ass and I don't have time to properly write*

The Blue Wyvern was once a guardian of the realm of Orthel, a place which only exists, and is held up by, the dreams and imaginations of those in "reality". To maintain order of this peaceful world, it fought ferociously against Nightmares, monstrous apparitions which would haunt those in our world should they be left to their own devices. However, the Wyvern's hatred for Nightmares ran deep. She would use any means necessary to annihilate these forces of evil, even if it meant the destruction of those around her. She would sear the land in golden flame to snuff out every last, hidden Nightmare, even after they had long fled the fight. 

As the world of Orthel reached some of its darkest hours, they began to question the Wyvern that was their guardian for so long. She had become too destructive for their own good, in a frenzied search for Nightmares, living for battle. The leaders of the realm decided they had to put the Wyvern to an end, though not forever, as she had done great good for Orthel in the past. Ultimately, the Blue Wyvern was betrayed by her own people, sealed away in a a set of magical armor, forced to finally rest. The Wyvern's spirit could only be reawakened by an individual she deemed pure of heart, able to entrust with her power that was no longer her own.

Many unknowable years later, the armor had been forgotten, the kingdom of Orthel facing a dark age after Nightmares had taken over. Many villages were left on subsistence farming, their old prosperity a distant memory. While exploring the ruins of a castle, a peasant girl came across the armor, and, both curious and none the wiser, tried it on for herself...\


The Blue Wyvern and Lyra Zure are two separate entities, though may be portrayed alongside each other, or individually. Lyra does not have wings, finned ears, or a tail without the armor on; these are magical remnants of the wyvern that only appear when the armor is worn. When the armor is worn, the wearer can transform into the Wyvern for a short period of time, though its power is much weaker than its historical form (can breath golden fire, but not "bathe the land in flame" instantaneously, and has a shorter range for detecting Nightmares).

♫ Character Playlist ♫

Diem Ex Dei - Globus

Dragon Suite - Hiroyuki Sawano

Blue Dragon - Hiroyuki Sawano

In the End - Ancient Bards

Holystone - Phantom Sage

Ruined Pinnacle Theme - Monster Hunter Gen. Ultimate

Gathering Hub/A World Apart - Monster Hunter World

See Me Fight - Two Steps From Hell