


2 years, 4 days ago


Name: Dandelion

Nickname(s): Dandy

Pronouns: She/her

Tribe(s): Leafwings

Abilities: Something similar to leafspeak, though instead of being able to grow plants, she is connected to them, and can sense what is wrong with them.

Sexuality: Lesbian Asexual

Birthday/Age: June 13th, 15 (23 in human years)

Personality: Very empathetic, she takes great care for all plants around her, and enjoys traveling to see all the different types of plants out there. She loves writing about plants, and is currently making a book on plant diseases and how to cure them. She can become awkward when talking to others, especially when the subject isn’t about plant care.

Backstory: She is currently traveling to Pyrrhia to find the rare cure for a tree blight that is affecting the Pyrrhian-borne trees that were transplanted to Pantala, hoping that her expertise will allow her to find a cure before the forests are wiped out all over again. Before this journey began she was a plant doctor, able to fight deadly diseases and parasites.

Occupation: Plant doctor, also known as a Botanist

Residence: In the forests of Plantala, however she is currently traveling to Pyrrhia.

Other Info:

-She is definitely a autism haver (like myself)

-She has a distaste for insects, especially those who eat or harm plants.

-Prefers being around plants, but doesn’t mind talking to dragons- she just doesn’t like when there’s a lot around her.