
6 years, 4 months ago




| Info

HP: 300/300
TP: 500/500
True Name: 
Buvsmu Kevifa (Gentle Sinopa)
Shepherd Sorey's group

| Character Details


"I enjoy people watching. Not in a creepy way, I'm just... fascinated by humans."

Sinopa is a bright and kindhearted seraphim that's almost always in a good mood, despite the faintest underlining of sadness in her eyes due to not being seen by humans. Sinopa is a soft-spoken and motherly woman that tries to see the good in all: human and seraph alike. Her loneliness stems from many years of going unnoticed by humans, and the death of many seraphim around her, including her close friends. 

She's passionate about justice, wanting to do the right thing even if she puts herself in danger, as long as she stands up for what is right and just. Sinopa is wary and hesitant of growing close to someone, afraid to love and lose them, for she lost someone she loved dearly against Heldalf.

| Trivia

  • It's shown that Sinopa harbors romantic feelings for Lailah, but spends most of her time worrying about if she should confess or not
  • She tends to stays in the surrounding vicinity of Gododdin, at least before joining Sorey's group
  • Sinopa mainly focuses on healing artes, but she is able to use water artes as well
  • Even though she can't fight as Sorey's sublord, Sinopa can help in battle if he needs it

| Outfits and Accessories

Character's Outfit
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Character's Outfit ( Alt. Colour )
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Character's Outfit ( Jacketless )
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Character's Accessory
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alt outfit
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alt outfit
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| Artes and Skills

Heal is used to heal a moderate amount of HP to one ally for an increased TP cost and incantation time.
Bubble Barrier
Sinopa can summon a bubble-like barrier to protect herself and others. Can be used offensively or defensively.
Causes a series of water streams to fall on enemies within an area of effect.
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link stuff? add in like what ability they have if you link with them

| History

Sinopa is a water seraph from Gododdin that takes the shape of a fox, keeping the ears in her human form. She watches over the children of Gododdin and protects them from harm, such as the malevolence and monsters. While they can't see or hear her, she still does all she can to keep them safe from the dangers of the world.

Story Line

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean feugiat orci nec lacinia rhoncus. Cras volutpat pulvinar augue, a volutpat nunc convallis id. Ut at consectetur turpis. Nulla facilisi. Integer bibendum iaculis mi, a pharetra erat vehicula at. Praesent posuere sed dui vitae pulvinar. Pellentesque convallis sapien et tellus blandit lobortis.

Vivamus ac dictum elit, ac vulputate metus. Nulla at lobortis leo. Vivamus accumsan, massa eu malesuada consectetur, nisi risus ornare dolor, nec imperdiet justo felis euismod lectus. Mauris condimentum urna nec lorem mattis laoreet. Etiam eu egestas ex. Cras dictum, libero in cursus tincidunt, lacus mauris luctus lectus, eget convallis arcu felis et diam. Sed non ultrices turpis. Maecenas mi elit, dapibus id enim aliquet, dignissim pharetra est. Integer at semper erat. Etiam ac euismod purus. Nulla quis sagittis justo. Sed vestibulum, enim maximus suscipit varius, nisi ante convallis velit, non iaculis lectus ipsum eget risus.

Praesent pharetra, odio ut iaculis laoreet, nisl erat ultrices arcu, quis commodo elit ante vel lorem. Donec tristique eget neque in consequat. Donec semper facilisis lacinia. Maecenas sit amet dignissim dui, at gravida felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo, massa ornare convallis faucibus, nisl nunc ultricies nunc, id cursus magna purus non velit. Suspendisse in erat a tortor blandit blandit nec sed sem. Quisque vitae accumsan turpis. Cras tempus tellus quam, et sollicitudin nibh placerat fermentum. Curabitur at ante vel eros sodales pharetra. Duis ut tortor nulla. Sed dictum metus orci, vel pellentesque purus hendrerit sed. Quisque in tortor finibus, scelerisque tellus id, bibendum arcu. Quisque at ornare quam. Cras sit amet felis eget nunc convallis varius sed ut ante. Morbi mi lacus, elementum id suscipit sagittis, iaculis non nisi.

Sed sed aliquet tellus. Sed sed mi felis. Sed placerat nisi nunc, at dapibus orci lobortis ac. Sed in molestie purus, at sodales metus. Praesent porttitor rutrum laoreet. Praesent vitae magna rutrum, egestas sem in, pretium felis. Nunc luctus sapien sed felis porttitor, ac porttitor dolor blandit. Ut vestibulum ut tortor sit amet sagittis. Nulla quis lorem accumsan, elementum ipsum pulvinar, ultricies libero. Aenean pulvinar arcu vel ante gravida, id ultricies dui sodales. Proin at erat velit. Cras facilisis, velit id porta viverra, urna justo dignissim tortor, eget lacinia orci tellus id eros.