Toby Trouble



1 year, 11 months ago



And I hope for a trace to lead me back home from this place

Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
S.O. Bisexual
Age Young Adult
DOB Jun. 13th
Sign Gemini
Species Werewolf
Role Protagonist
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
First Aid Kit - Wolf
Toby Trouble

No one knows him very well. Toby is a flash- he's in one spot one day, and in another the next. He never stays still, and when he rarely is seen, he spews out knowledge of his latest findings and is never seen again. Few even actually know his name, but he seems fine with this.


Lone wolf

Toby's in a constant clash of head versus heart. Some days he exists, some days he doesn't. He's very flipfloppy, and doesn't like to be in one spot for long. He's hyperactive, and doesn't think much of what others see him as. Deep down, he's more than a little afraid of himself, but would rather die than face his emotions head-on, much less his fears or other nasty feelings.

Quirks: squints when focused, fidgetty Habits: biting things, hardly blinks, chewing
  • Baked Goods
  • Kebabs
  • Campfires
  • Stargazing
  • Harsh Sunlight
  • Thieves
  • Rotting Smells
  • Uncooked Meat

  • Getting Lost
  • Wolves
  • Ghosts/Phantoms
  • Loud Sounds
  • Mapmaking
  • Swimming
  • Birdwatching
  • Woodcarving




  • Brute Strength
  • Magic Spells
  • Harsh Sunlight
  • Erratic Movements

Turning into a wolf every full moon? Awesome, but painful. Turning into a wolf on your own accord? Painful, and hard to do. Toby has the limited ability to shift between werewolf and full wolf form, but the process is incredibly painful to an untrained vessel.

Tech-aided telepathy

With the help of some old techy parts, you too can whisper cryptid messages into your friend's mind! Though it requires a fair amount of concentration and a clear head, Toby is able to control this ability fairly easily.

Cursed Claws

A passive buff, if you can call it that. Toby's claws can cause infections in a heartbeat if given the time to sink in deep enough. More often than not, he just trims his claws down to keep them from hurting others on accident.


Toby's origins are rarely brought up in a conversation. He keeps to himself, seldom bringing up why he's in a specific place or what he wants. A deep-seated fear of the unknown keeps him moving perpetually.

The Dark Woods

Born into a small family, Toby was put into survival mode right from the get-go. His mother and father lived in a secluded cabin in the woods, where they would board up during the night. It was rare any of them got any sleep.

Despite this, Toby was a small beam of light the couple had. A blink of familiarity, and a joy to be around even into his preteen years. Toby would often bring back wounded animals from the forest to nurse them back to health, despite the qualms his mother had with it. He was never able to talk, but gained the ability to transmit radio waves telepathically thanks to some salvaged tech from his mom, and some magic nonsense from his dad.

As he neared his 16th birthday, Toby brought home a wolf pup. After a long talk with his father about how it might have parents, met by Toby's insistent begging to let them keep it. Eventually, his father caved, and they introduced a fourth member to the family. Toby named it Rubble.

Tracking Down

As the days got shorter and the nights became longer, Toby's family began to settle down for the winter. Due to his habit of sleeping during the day and going out at night, he would often sneak out to play with Rubble and explore the forests surrounding his home.

One day, though, he came across a strange looking fungus. He kept Rubble away from it [ much to the puppy's dismay ] and pocketed some in case it could be useful. However, something latched onto the small of the mushrooms and followed the two back.

As Toby fell asleep in the morning, he awoke to a shrill scream. He ran to his parents, only to find that they were being torn apart by a lumbering figure- fur matted and ears flat against its head. It tore into the petrified adults without so much as a blink. He kept Rubble close. Despite his screams, the wolf-like creatures ignored him, and left once they had eaten their fill.

In the dim silence of a ruined home, Toby howled his strangled anger and grief away alongside his canine companion.

Carrying the plague

The sun didn't rise after that. Toby didn't get up, either. His body hurt and ached- the stench of his parent's bodies hurt his nostrils, but he couldn't move. Over a week later, when their blood dried into a black stain and Toby's stomach hurt from a lack of water, he buried them.

It was only then, after cleaning his hands off in a river, did he notice the beginnings of wolf ears were sprouting from his head, like a mushroom invading a tree stump. His tailbone hurt, too, but he could do little to stop it.

He grabbed the ruined mushrooms from his pocket and crushed them, tearing into them with his teeth as he swore to the gods above he'd get them back for ruining his life. Though, with time, Toby adapted a more primal look to life, living with survival in mind. He kept Rubble by his side, though- the last memory of the life he once had.

Now, he wanders from lonesome village to lonesome village, trading any useful items he might come across. He keeps the wolf pup close, only allowing Rubble to emerge when no one else is around. Despite his need to move on from everything, something staring between the trees refuses to let him be at ease.


  • Backstory is loosely inspired by Darkwood !! Awesome game
  • He strays away from any kind of fungus like the plague, and won't touch it even if he's starving
  • Able to communicate with animals !! Can often be seen having one on one convos with Rubble sometimes
  • Shows affection by giving those he cares about gifts at their doorstep. In the middle of the night.
  • Would trade his hand for a klondike bar [ he really likes chocolate ]