Mademoiselle Lucinda Roux's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

boba-deer Global Rules

Please abide by my Terms of Service

If you're reselling, it would be really cool if you messaged me (boba-deer) first! I may buy them back! But this isn't required <3

Please do not resell to these users however without messaging me first and asking my permission:

[Cheese1010] and all alt/future accounts

[buttersyeet] and all future/alt accounts

[BioHunterRon] and all alt/future accounts

[Taby-CrazyKat] and all alt/future accounts

[Fairy_Candy] and all alt/future accounts

This does not apply to any designs currently in their possession, but does apply if they choose to re-sell or otherwise re-home them. If you're caught rehoming my designs to them without my permission, you will be added to the blacklist.