Zuul's Comments

Howdy! Would you accept art or trade offers, or just money? :]

Didn't see any characters that captured my interest, but I'd consider art depending on what species you're able to draw! Otherwise I mainly lean towards money for this character ^^

Gotcha! My specialty is canine and feline based but I can draw pretty much any species. 

I might also consider adding on some usd as a mixed offer, if you’d rather do that lol

Alright, just wanted to make sure beforehand! I have a feline-based character I'm interested in art of, so there should be no issue there. And if you want to! $10 + art sound good? The type of art can be completely up to you!

That sounds good to me, and I can definitely draw ‘em yeah! 

Do you have a PayPal or anywhere I can send the payment to? 

Hello! Would this guy possibly be up for offers, or no? Just wanted to ask!

well I prefare money but you can hit me with ur offer and i’ll see

Would you be willing to accept $29 for them then if it's through PayPal?

Oh! They accually are worth 25-30usd so ofc! ^^ my paypal is:

[email protected]

Payment should've been sent!
