


2 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info


Calcifer Andersen

Current Alias:


Editorial Name:

The Unlimited Spider-Pulse


Cal, Pulse, Spider, Electro, Bug-eyes

Affiliations (as Calcifer):

The Big Drop, Empire State University

Affiliations (as Pulse-Spider):

Empire State University


Emerson Allbright (Fiancé)

Marital Status:



Non-binary (they/them pronouns)






Grey (slightly blue with yellow central heterochromia), bright green when using powers


Dark brown, front lock dyed red


Origin: Human mutate; volunteered to be with a spider-based form of hormone replacement therapy, subsequently was granted abilities
Living Status: Alive
Reality: Earth-69420
Place of Birth: 

Identity: Secret
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Local games/coffee shop employee  
Education: High school graduate; coursing college
Base of Operations: ESU Student Living Accommodations 

Extra Information: The Big Drop is a local games/coffee store near ESU campus started by the current owner Lucas' grandfather Stanley, where Cal works part-time 

- Impulse Rush; Constantly generating and storing large amounts of bio-electric energy, Cal can safely draw on a small amount for short bursts of time to enhance their spider-based powers for effects unique to them
- Spider Physiology 

  • Wall-Crawling; when enhanced by Impulse Rush leaves a latent high-voltage static shock that discharges on contact with other people or objects 
  • Superhuman Strength; >10 ton deadlift, ~30 when enraged at base strength (enhanced by Impulse Rush to at least 75 ton deadlift, well over 200 tons when enraged) 
  • Superhuman Speed; 100mph sprint, enhanced by Impulse Rush to at least 250mph sprint 
  • Superhuman Stamina; enhanced by Impulse Rush 
  • Superhuman Durability; enhanced by Impulse Rush to nigh-invulnerability 
  • Superhuman Agility; doubled by Impulse Rush 
  • Regenerative Healing Factor; hastened by Impulse Rush 
  • Superhuman Equilibrium 
  • Superhuman Reflexes; enhanced by Impulse Rush to near-instantaneous reactions 
  • Spider-Sense; enhanced by Impulse Rush into short-time precognition 
- Indomitable Will; Calcifer's love for their fiancé drives them to fight through anything and everything, refusing to give up
- Neurodiverse; diagnosed with ADHD and ASD, Cal possesses a unique perspective on most things
- Talented Athlete & Acrobat
- Talented Hand-To-Hand Combatant 
- Amateur Photographer 
- Bilingual; speaks English and Spanish 

- Spider-Sense Disruption
- Impulse Rush; energy collected by their Impulse Rush reaches dangerous levels when not regulated
- Extra Loud Heartbeat; due to the formula given to them, Calcifer's heartbeat is significantly louder than natural and noise suppression is required to hide their identity
- Social Rejection; Cal's grumpy personality stems from years of being mistreated and shunned by their former classmates and co-workers because of their former lack of understanding around boundaries of others and appropriate timing of things, both of which are symptoms of their neurodiverse conditions
- Anger Issues; due to being rejected by classmates and co-workers through most of their life, Cal has had a history of poor anger management, though physical exercise (namely martial arts) has helped mitigate this 

- Web-Shooters; compact wrist-mounted devices that double as storage for the Impulse Rush Regulator and connect it to their Impulse Suit
- Impulse Suit; a durable, elastic suit woven to be worn with the Impulse Rush Regulator
- Impulse Rush Regulator; regulates energy levels of Calcifer's Impulse Rush and supresses noise caused by their heartbeat, compacts into a small chip when not connected to their suit, to be stored in one of their web-shooters