


6 years, 5 months ago


Star, in the story, is around 25. She’s not as expressive and doesn’t show a lot of emotion. She’s a model who does her own covers and is known as one of the prettiest known lesbian model in her town. She mainly dresses up however she wants, either it be formal or anything casual. Due to her short hair, whenever she doesn't dress up anything girly like, people confuse her as a dude, but she is most definitely a woman. She loves any shade of red and she admires the stars a lot, most of her outfits are space or star-like related. As mentioned, she is a lesbian and is married to a girl named Julia, Juli for short, and has been with Julia since high school. She’s very social and can start any conversation when she can. She sounds very mellow and sounds like she doesn’t care but she has a hard time expressing emotion, but deep down she does care about what others talk about.


(images below are old, she now longer looks like this below.)