

1 year, 11 months ago


Name Adderpaw

Age 11 Moons

Gender Male [he/him]

Orientation Demisexual

Mentor Pondsprout

Rank Apprentice

Residence CloudClan


A sleek grey tom with lighter and darker grey splotches and heterochromatic blue and amber eyes with oversized fangs. Adderpaw has a long body, with silky fur that drapes over his lithe frame. The tom-cat is of average build and height, with long legs that make him spry for running and jumping, though his lower muscle mass makes him more vulnerable in combat. He's built for running away, and he'll stick to that idea.

Design notes
  • two oversized fangs that stick out of his mouth from his father
  • heterochromia from his mother
  • right eye is a blue/purple
  • left eye is a orange/yellow
  • long fluffy tail similar to his mother's
  • tall and lean body type from his father

P O S I T I V E ✧ T R A I T S:

Confident | Gregarious | Charming | Carefree

Confident: It comes as no surprise that Adder is confident, Pythonstrike’s own confidence having rubbed off on him early in his youth. With his training and diligent practice, he wears an air about him that plays off of his skills. At times his confidence can come across as arrogance, but really, he's beautiful and skilled in many ways, so shouldn't he be able to show off now and then?

Gregarious: Adder quite enjoys being around others and socializing. It makes him feel not as empty and alone as he might think sometimes and gets him out of any negative headspaces. Even if it's a quick argument, it lightens his mood and sets him on a gossip train he can then use as a means of socializing some more. He loves the sound of his voice and it just makes him comfortable when there's a group of cats all chatting amongst themselves.

Charming: When it comes to charismatics, Adder holds the key. He's charming as he is sociable, fun yet enigmatic to add more flare. He loves to build relationships with others, using his charm to work his way through a conversation and settling it with a few jokes and compliments to keep the other interested and more comfortable in chatting with him.

Carefree: Perhaps it's not always so positive being carefree, but Adder thinks it's great! He often doesn't linger on things too long, much preferring to roll with the punches. He'll hold a grudge, don't get him wrong, but only if you've really wronged him or his family. He lazes around, enjoying life a day at a time with the people he cares about. It's a definite win for him.

N E U T R A L ✧ T R A I T S:

Impatient | Emotional | Relaxed | Sarcastic

Impatient: As it so happens, Adder doesn’t have much patience, especially for trivial matters that he believes shouldn’t take this long to decide or bother with. This can be both good and bad, where it would shut down indecisiveness very rapidly, it wouldn’t help with often rushing into things when there would be another solution available if more patience was vowed.

Emotional: Sometimes Adder can get really worked up. Although not much gets him riled up, he can get sad rather quickly. This however, includes other emotions, though, as well, meaning he can easily get happy or excited over things, especially when he's particularly fond of it. His mood can fluctuate easily, but it makes for a more expressive and dynamic cat at times.

Relaxed: When doing his own thing, Adder finds himself lacking in motivators. He needs the help of others to really get himself towards finishing a goal, often thinking it's a waste of time, or that he'd just do it later. Unreliable at worst, but soothing to be around at best.

Sarcastic: Adder’s sense of humor tends to be limited by his sarcasm, often returning sarcastic remarks in connection with his common sense. If the other takes his words literally, he finds it rather hilarious and often can’t control his laughter.

N E G A T I V E ✧ T R A I T S:

Blunt | Abrasive | Jealous | Dishonest

Blunt: Speaking bluntly at most given times, he doesn’t hide the truth, often dumping unfortunate news or tragedies without sugar coating a single thing. He’s forward, and will openly speak his mind, even if he doesn’t mean to upset those around him, he believes this is the easiest method to receive information. There won’t be any room left for doubt.

Abrasive: Adder can be rather abrasive, harsh to others’ feelings and usually placing himself above others. He’s selfish in that way, but overtime has learned the faults in his mindset, the more he’s exposed to other felines, the more he’s aware of this fault.

Jealous: Unfortunately, with competition on looks and general charisma, Adder can grow rather jealous of other feline's looks or whether or not they seem to be more well liked than him. He believes when you take those two things away from him, he's left empty and hollow, and it scares him a bit, making it difficult to make lasting relationships with the other cats outside his family tree.

Dishonest: Often twisting his words to create a more dramatic or exciting story, Adder has a bad habit of keeping things about himself to others or greatly exaggerating things to create drama or gossip. He doesn't often mean to lie or spin the truth, but he feels the truth can be rather boring at times, and what's not fun about half truths and thrilling misdeeds.

  • Flirting
  • Drama
  • Gossip
  • Frogs
  • Flowers
  • New-Leaf
  • Bossy Cats
  • Feeling Ill
  • Cold
  • Snakes
  • Boredom
  • Leaf-Bare



Den Building
Battle Tactics
Hunting Tactics
Sign Fluency

0-5 moons:

Adderkit and Cobrakit were born in New-Leaf, a beautiful season for two beautiful kits. Named after the theme of their father’s own name, snakes. Born nice and healthy, both kits were always wailing and demanding attention or food, especially Adderkit with his demands of new stories and latest news on the Clan. He always loved hearing talk of other cats as they flitted in and out of the nursery. He swore one moon, he’d be the local gossip of the Clan, and who was to tell him no. So together, when they were old enough to run around, Cobrakit and Adderkit hunted down the juiciest news of the Clan and by the end of it, would tell each other. Whoever got the better detail would get a better spot near mama when they went to bed.

This activity continued as they grew older, though it definitely shifted from prize to prize, and each day they’d ask their papa if there was anything exciting that happened in the Clan that they’d missed out on. Pythonstrike would be an avid storyteller in this aspect, happily feeding his children all the news of the Clan and often exaggerating some of the stories to make it more exciting for the kits. Pigeoncall would scold him for it, but always laugh along. It was really nice, them being a happy family together, it simply didn’t last as the next moon led to tragedy.

When Adderkit was 4 moons old, he was out and about, getting the local gossip from whatever cats came back from patrol, eagerly perking in attention when he heard cats coming in from the entrance and just as eagerly pouncing on getting any details of their ventures from them. Unfortunately, instead of hearing local gossip, he overheard a sharp screech from inside the nursery, and with blood going cold, he rushed towards the den to find out what the problem was. Trying to peer through the many cats blocking the entrance, he spotted the numerous scales of a slithering reptile. The very one his father, his sister, and himself were named after. He didn’t exactly know what kind of snake it was, too young to really know much about anything but the stories, really, but he knew how terrifying these creatures were.

His heart practically stopped when he noticed how close it was to his mother, and in the blink of an eye, Pigeoncall was struck at the same time Pythonstrike rushed into the den to fight the frightful beast. Adderkit cried out for his mother, but in the next few seconds, the snake had fallen dead, beside his fallen mother. Weeping, he rushed to her side, nudging her soft fur and begging her to be okay. Weakly she ran a paw down his flank and promised she’d always be with him in the stars. There, she slowly succumbed to the poison and Pythonstrike, Adderkit, and Cobrakit lost a part of themselves with her.

Pythonstrike wasn’t the same after his mate’s death, and he grew distant. Another queen took to raising the two kits, but it just wasn’t the same. It wasn’t their mother. The two siblings didn’t play many games after that, though they’d entertain their thoughts with brief gossip here and there, but the wound was too fresh, it was too raw and they felt empty inside.

6-11 moons:

When the kits turned 6 moons, they finally had something good going for them. They were to be made apprentices and soon they’d learn of the world around them. Adderkit turned Adderpaw as Cobrakit was to turn to Cobrapaw, though when expecting to tell the news to his sister and father, he couldn’t spot them anywhere. Later that day, it was announced that Pythonstrike and Cobrapaw had left the Clans earlier that morning and didn’t seem likely to be returning. Devastated his father and sister were gone just like his mother, Adderpaw and meekly celebrated his apprenticeship alone, with a heavy heart and a crushed spirit.


  • Prefix — insert explanation for their prefix
  • Suffix — insert explanation for their suffix.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  • Scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi.

Relation, †

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua


One paragraph would fit nicely! Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


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Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. In mollis nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida. Semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ut.

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