Evanescent's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Shikisei Global Rules


Please do NOT trade/sell to people who has me blocked, or I have blocked!
I would very much like to know where the characters have gone to and check on them from time to time, and it would greatly sadden me should I not be able to peek!

Current block list; (Updated 25th August 2022)

  • Dragonwing, 
  • citrusbiscuits, 
  • WhisperingStorms, 
  • wickedtwisters/embernettles
  • delfinxxia.
  • axon
  • CarnivalPlague
  • CuddlesTheFox
  • RottenMushrooms

If you are in the list, please return the characters to whom you have bought them from, or return to me.