𖨰 Astaroth's Comments

HI OMFG this has been one of my dreamies for MONTHS! ik youre looking for money but im not allowed to buy with paypal and i have hard times finding voucherings ;(( i offered once, i'll offer twice ^^!! i can do up to 2 to 3 pieces, can be on the ultra realistic artstyle! examples here! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JkRWydIJG87wGyBw9u92OlEh1U-2ylcS pls consider taking a look, theyre my dream-dreamie   

I’d love to accept!! your art is amazing!! would you be cool to trade sersi and do 1-2 pieces of art? o:

I'd have to think about trading Sersi since I'm a bit attached to them D: but i can most certainly do 2 art pieces + 2 simple art pieces like an icon or chibi if that's ok for you!

we can also negociate on DMs if needed!

I’ll send one over! ^o^

could I nab them for $80? o:

yes yes, ofc! my PayPal link's https://paypal.me/SumTrails?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US

once i receive the money, i'll transfer em right over!

just wanted to quickly notify that i won't see any payment/comment notifications until the morning(~8-9 hours)! if you send anything before then, i just wanted to assure that they'd be transferred by the morning

all good man! should be sent, please let me know if there were any issues! :>

hey, just received it before i head off to sleep! i’ll transfer em right now to you :)

tysm for the purchase!! it helps a lot

awesome! thank you so much!!

and no prob! best of luck to you, and have a lovely night!

hello!! i'm interested !! i can offer some art for them! sorry if  youre not accepting these kind of trades, i havent seen any specific preferences around his th bcuz some fields wont load :(,,, examples here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JkRWydIJG87wGyBw9u92OlEh1U-2ylcS if u only taking offers via DMs please tell me, i literally cant see anything on his profile besides the gallery   

hello! i'm sorry but i'm only taking USD offers for him, as the name title states $80.

that's ok! good luck finding them a good home! if you ever change your mind then pls lmk, they're an absolute dreamie ^^!! thanks for the attention ❤️