Midnight Admetus



6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Midnight Admetus

Origin of Birth: Allia Island

Relationship Status: Mated to Kitoro!

Personality: Bubbly and excited, Midnight is practically pure energy.  She travels by  bouncing, skipping, or running, she barely ever actually walks.   Midnight loves taking care of babies, evidence of her ever growing  family.

Short Bio: Midnight has been around a very long  time, she hatched from the first eggs to be seen on the island of Allia.   She met Sunny the Mahalia and the two became the best of friends.  She  found a Mahalia egg one day and raised it, having Blue as a daughter.   She was also great friends with Scarlet the Liznea.  One day, Midnight  met Kitoro handing out fliers.  They wound up becoming mates and they  formed the Admetus family.  Their family grew and grew, and they adopted  some into the family as well.  Midnight has her adopted son Aldan, the  first Royal Liznea on Allia.  She loves her family with all her heart,  and could hardly bear to say goodbye.  But her beloved Kitoro was gone,  and she had to go find him.  She threw the biggest party she could and  went on her final adventure, packing her things and saying her final  goodbyes.

Midnight ran aground on a beach, with no idea of where  she had come from.  She finally found her way to the town Wiggle had  founded, and lived there.

Likes: Jewelry, shiny things,

Dislikes: Nothing

Fears: Practically nothing.

Favorite Color(s): Purple and red.

Description: A shortish looking lady, when she extends her legs she is actually  rather tall.  Long purple and white hair and large purple eyes.  Fuzzy  black animal-like legs, a tail, and ears all with tiny white and yellow  spots.  A purple and white crystal object growing in her chest.