


1 year, 11 months ago


Wherever life plants you

Name Sora
Age 20's
Alias -
Gender Male
Sexuality Homosexual
Pronouns they/them
Role Gardner/Florist
Race Domestic Canine Mix

bloom with grace
  • Can wear any scarf combos on his neck
  • No NFSW or to be drawn as an Anthro
  • Has a fluffy neck and tail
  • Has a pink nose
Reference Here

Sora is a soft spoken, self-conscious but easy going individual that would love to do nothing more but spend the whole day in their garden. They are utterly obsessed with plants and have extensive knowledge that they like to surprise others with.

Their humour is based solely on plant based puns, and if you laugh at any one of them, expect to make a lifelong friend. Is not a risktaker by any means, most decisions are made with careful calculations and trembling steps.

Takes massive pride in their garden, and is very self-critical, especially when the results of things they've put into place aren't successful. Thus becomes quite frustrated when their newest seedlings don't sprout as well as they are supposed to.

Likes to focus on the details of things, the smaller the detail, the more focus they will place on it. Which means that they often are oblivious to the larger picture and can't pick up some social cues even if you hit them in the face with it.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
practical imaginative
active sloth

Home is where

Has an extensive knowledge of plants, with a large collection of balms and salves in their kitchen cupboard. As well as a collection of lavender, and garlic infused oil.

Almost finished medical school, dropped out after a year of being a resident, so has fantastic medical knowledge. Often does some 'nursing' work at the local GP when they are short staffed. Has had some pretty cute interactions with some of the children consults there.

Knows bit and pieces of Latin, thanks to knowing the scientific names of plants and their time in medical school.


Born to a large litter, they were quickly drowned out by their louder and more boisterous siblings. Unable to handle all that chaos, they found themselves at their grandparents, listening to the tales of their grandfather and learning all the tricks of the gardening trade from their grandmother.

In an attempt to gain parental approval they studied to be a doctor, which suited them well enough, the long hours with their nose buried in books in the eerily quiet library, absorbing as much knowledge as they possibly could.

The reality of being a doctor came crashing down in their resident years, the pressure, the constant interacting with people and the constant beeping and humming of monitors. It was just so overwhelming, and the stress of it all was beginning to affect his physical health. Sora taking multiple days off sick with coughs and stomach pains.

They dropped out after a year. After some time deciding what they were going to do with themselves, they applied for a job at the local flower shop and haven't looked back since.


  • Sneezes when nervous/anxious.
  • One of a litter of six.
  • Has a terrible time remembering others names and then is too shy to ask.
  • Their greatest achievement is having a very healthy Venus flytrap.
  • Quite tall and lanky, measures 70cm at the shoulder.
  • Hates the taste of coffee. Has an extensive collection of different teas in his kitchen.
  • Pinterest board

my plants are
Aesthetic Plant Mom
Alignment Neutral Good
Sin Pride
Virtue Humility

Designer hvngr
Obtained Jun 27, 2020
Status -
Value NFS


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

The relationship box/section does NOT scroll but like before, there's instructions if you want it. The content itself doesn't scroll by default but I think it's better this way, especially if you plan to write a lot!


Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.

Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!