
6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Colton SoundWave Colara

Origin of Birth: Allia

Relationship Status: Mated to Amara

Personality: Colton has often been described as a flirt.  Luckily now that he's  mated, he spends most of his time flirting with his wife.  Colton can  occasionally seem rather mean, but is generally somewhat nice. 

Short Bio: Colton grew up in his batch of six.  He was always very close with  Ash.  The two went everywehre together, flirting and trying to get  girls.  After quite a long time they finally ran into Amara, and they  both got a mate.  They have their own kids now, and live in one big  shiny house.

One day, as lots of their family was leaving, all  the Colaras grabbed as much stuff (mostly mirrors) that they could, and  went out to the new land with the family. 

Likes: Himself, his family, mirrors, shiny things 

Dislikes: Water, getting too dirty, Wexels


Favorite Color(s): Black, blue, yellow, green

According  to Amara, Colton is a flirt and his brother Ash is a loudmouth.  Most  would probably agree.  Ash never leaves Colton's side, and Colton is  fine with that.  Colton doesnt like being very wet, which is odd since  his mom and dad are both very apt to water.