Ashly's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Do not retrade/resell for more than you had paid for the character without extra art. (Unless you've contacted me about it)

You may regift any character.

If a character was not specifically bought from myself(AsoraamFeire) in USD or other IRL currency and you did not pay for any of their art in USD/IRL currency, please do not sell for USD/IRL currency.

SpaceHyena Global Rules

Do not sell adopts for more than you bought it without extra art if possible.

Do not resell for USD/IRL currencies if not bought with USD/IRL currencies.

If it's a CS design, you are not permitted to use it for commercial purposes such as published literature. The only exception is non-CS versions of the character.

If you redesign a character or had someone else redesign it, I must still retain creator credits if I am the original designer. Please credit redesigner in the design credits.

While I can't stop you from redesigning your OCs, redesigns should still resemble the old design beyond being the same species. Try to aim for around 3-5 points of similarity.

Full TOS Here (clickable)