
6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Waffle

Origin of Birth: Allia Island.

Relationship Status: Mated to Diana

Personality: Waffle will take anything you give him, most likely to put it in a pile  in his house.  He is often said to be annoying, loud, and intrusive.

Short Bio: Waffle was hatched inside his house in a small clear spot along with  all his siblings.  He has got the same hoarding problem as his parents,  and he is often seen out looking for things to get.  He often is seen  with his cousin King Ryan.

After a long while Willow gathered up  her family and led them out on a loooong trip.  They finally came to a  new home, and Wiggle was there!  The whole family settled there with  their long gone father.

Likes: Himself, stuff, talking, his family, pets.

Dislikes: Being ignored, big things.

Fears: Being forgotten, Jokuun, Water

Favorite Color: Red of course, just like his fabulous hair.