
6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Wally Mire

Origin of Birth: Allia

Relationship Status: Mated to Maureen

Personality: Wally is very shy when you first meet him, but only for a bit. If it  seems like you're gonna stay and keep talking or whatever you are doing,  he'll start acting more like himself. Wally is energetic, excited, and  loves to read. He adores his older siblings, though he annoys them a  lot.

Short Bio: Wally is a Fidale, so of course he grew up  in the house. Sadly, he hatched after his parents left. He was raised  by his older siblings, mostly Willow, and was very happy. When he saw  his first rain, he ran outside! And then fell flat on his face. He  played outside in the mud all day, and it took quite a while for him to  get clean. Now he plays in the mud whenever he can, and Willow swears he  is made out of it. He dragged his cousin Baldwin into the mud once, and  gave everyone quite a scare as they played hide and mud and  disappeared. He is somewhat more mature now, but Wally will always be  very, very muddy XD. Wally has a deep respect of books, when when he's waiting for it to rain he reads them with Willow or Ada.

One day Wally took his little family to the big Neel ship and they all traveled very far to the New Home.

Likes: Mud, people, mud people, playing, talking, sleeping, Baldwin, Willow, throwing mud at Waffle.

Dislikes: Being cleaned, being bored, being far away from people.

Fears: Very dark darkness, being completely lost and alone.

Favorite Color(s): Yellow