


6 years, 3 months ago



Adjectives || To || Describe || This || Character

AgeAs old as universe, but has been sapient for a few thousand years.SpeciesDemiurge
  • various
  • character
  • likes
  • various
  • character
  • dislikes



Height5'6"Weight128 lbs
Other Features
  • The skin she shows looks like human skin but is moist to the touch.
  • Has spots on her scalp, her back, and running up her forearms
  • Lighter hued, slightly rubberier skin on her belly
  • No boobs
  • Big, chunky teeth, and a long glistening tongue
  • Disproportionately long arms and legs.
PersonalityLeech likes to put herself in other people's business and loves being the center of attention. She wants to have a role in everyone's narrative. She acts sexy and mysterious, trying to tantalize people into being interested in who she is. As far as demiurges go, her mind is far more comprehensible and un-alien than others.
Magic User StatusMonk
Powers/SkillsLeech's power is to drain aether from other people, leaving them unable to perform magic. In the process, she can also copy their magical abilities.  Her saliva has a powerful paralytic poison that leaves you feeling numb and unable to move. This isn't magic, it's part of her biology, but it's effect is strengthened through her magic aura. She sees using electromagnetic pulses, like a shark. She can perceive basically all things within 50 feet of her in all directions and this increases underwater. She can also breathe underwater.



Demiurges are immortal beings as old as the universe, born from miscellaneous fragments left over when God committed divine suicide. Some are as weak as worms and others are giant, incomprehensible planet destroying entities. Anansi, Cthulhu, Tommy Wiseau, and Santa Claus are all demiurges in the OoHverse.

Leech is a Demiurge who passes for human when wearing a disguise, without needing a glamor. She uses her powers to help people find new perspectives with their magical abilities.., for a price. 


In-Game Fighting Style

  • When she copies someone's power she also copies the method of controlling said power. Copying a power that's uncontrollable by nature (i.e Maya's invisibility, or Toni's plant form) will be uncontrollable for Leech as well. This could actually cause problems for Leech if she copied Toni's plant form because the "spell" is a permanent transformation, that will not actually undo itself when she stops having Toni's power.
  • That said, Leech at least has years and years of experience controlling magical powers, so she could copy a power from someone who has little training in controlling it, and use it better than they can.
  • At one point she was a vermin demiurge; basically a completely unintelligent worm, but had a growth spurt and became humanoid a few thousand years ago.
  • She can't read.
  • She doesn't have boobs. Not even the slightest hint of them. Please don't draw her with boobs.

Leech doesn't fight in-game, but if she did she'd be able to copy people's abilities and steal small amounts of mana from them.

Her in-game role is the retraining NPC, who lets you deallocate skill points at the cost of XP and money.

Sexy mysterious stranger actually an icky worm with a gross tongue