



Name: Terra
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sexuality: Demi

Species: Centaur
Class: Fighter with a bit of Druid training
Current Job: Adventurer
Instruments: Pan flute
Height: 6'10 ft or 208 cm
Weight: Around 1,000 lbs 

Personality: Terra has always been protective, from those in her village to party members. Treating them like family even if not by blood. She has became more calloused to entitled stangers overtime. While most times Terra is willing to help those in need, don’t expect it of her and be demanding. She will refuse and let nature take its course if you get on her bad side. Terra can be a bit awkward as words aren't always her strong suit. She loves to cook and enjoys making others happy with her meals. If Terra hears music or singing she can't help but pull out her pan flute and play along, especially if she recognizes the tune. She's a traveler at heart, making maps and seeing new adventures around every turn. Terra plans to make the most of the current situation.

Background notes: Terra is from the Sevona area of the Nikri tribe. They are a smaller tribe that roams and mostly lives by hunting and gathering. She learned fighting from protecting the gathers and participating in hunts. While not the best, Terra is a skilled fighter with archery and even her glaive and greatsword. Though she prefers ranged combat when possible, Terra will strike with her hooves if necessary. Her tribe also has many druids and is where she learned from. Terra follows the goddess Nal, the goddess of nature. When Terra came of age she decided she wanted to truly see the world they live in. After traveling she started to pick up survival skills. Such as better places to make camp and how to make maps. Along with cooking skills. After stopping in a town, she noticed an interesting job request and couldn't pass up the idea of travelling to a far off land.

Dis-likes: Don't ever attempt or ask for a ride from her. She will deny unless it's an emergency and then she's still likely to find a different way. Terra will kick on instinct if anyone tries to get on her back. Though she is more cautious around kids/young ones and more forgiving. Terra will also be very disappointed in destruction of nature when it's uncalled for, so no random arson!!
Likes: Terra loves to experience and try new things, whether that be cooking, cartography, music, or just traveling she always craves change.

Terra follows Nal, the goddess of nature. She is know for starting creation. Though it is difficult for the Gods to effect the mortal world, she is the one that started the creation of plants and animals with the help of Vida. Nal is the planet that which all life walks on.