Lore - Ahkkian Runes



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Ahkkian Runes


Not a character, just need somewhere to dump this lore ;P

Ahkkian alphabets – symbology/meanings/ of each 25 letters of each 7 elemental alphabets / names of each alphabets / synchronicities

Water/Ahra , Earth/Cill , Air/Shin , Fire/Ghen , Light/Chine , Darkness/ Deurga, Soul/ Veiga

Ghen: Passion, wrath, Chaos, light, illumination, determination, burns, heat, melting, sealing, branding, summer, jealousy, healing, judgement, eruption,

Veiga: Spirituality, Magic, Emotion, knowing, prophecy, insight, foresight, rebirth, dreams, understanding, love, lust, longing, journey, healing, pursue,

Chine: awareness, sight, Direction, stars, illuminated, lightning, day, spring, happiness, gold, sparkling, moon, discovery, searching, finding/find, enlightenment, guidance, blindness,

Shin: Breath, Life, Vortex, fog, steam, speech, thunder, whispers, autumn, transport, movement, sound, rhythm, speed, deteriorate, death, sky, clouds, cold,

Ahra: Life, pull, destruction, frost, cold, heat, force, flow, ocean, rain, hail, winter, travel, release, restrict, gravity, pressure, divide, erode,

Cill: mother, grounded, centred, Harmony, Rooted, death, decay, rot, connection, hunger, gluttony, treasure, preciousness, restrict, woven/to weave, earthquake, growth,

Deurga: hidden, blindness, Engulfing, secret, buried, obscured, smoke, sleep, nightmares, dreams, night, envy, protective, take/remove, vanish,

Ahkkian Koda and Kodanii/combination runes 

Ahkkian alphabets are referred to as Ki. The singular symbols are referred to as sigils, runes or by a rare few Anii.

Anii can be fused to create stronger Anii known as Koda and can consist of up to three Anii. A Koda consisting of more than three Anii is called a Kodanii and is the most complex Anii that can consist of up to 8 runes. Kodanii are generally used as talismans and as protective charms over gates and doorways as they are compact and stronger than a singular Anii or Koda. A successful Kodanii is difficult to create however, as the intent of each Anii must be considered when casting it. Natural circumstances must also be considered, as a Kodanii is affected by natural phenomena such as rain, high winds or heat. If the wrong elemental Ki is used during an opposing natural phenomenon the Kodanii will not be as strong or may be prone to breaking after a short time.

Runic stuff

Grid Array – creates an effect within the area defined by the placement of runes. Usually placed in a geometric pattern, around the boarder of an area. Areas can become inaccessible to certain magical species.

Scattered Array – creates an affect around the area defined by the placement of runes. Usually placed with no geometric pattern or at intervals to create a busy or distracting force of energy. Usually used to unsettle trespassers, weaken them, or trap them by forcefully leading them towards an open array.  

Open Array – creates an affect within the area defined by the placement of runes, with at least one entry/open point. Usually placed in a pentagonal pattern, an open array will close once an individual has entered it. Commonly used to trap creatures.

Chained Array – a string of runes, koda, or kodanii written continuously in a line. The effects of which vary greatly depending on how it is used.

Koda – a series of 2 or 3 runes combined to make one, more powerful rune.

Kodanii – a series of 4-8 runes combined to make a much more powerful rune.