
2 years, 2 days ago









(Extremely) Gay (Specifically for one or two people)






Long ears (c)

Horns (c)

Spikes (c)

Alt tongue tail (c)

Smoke (uc)

Shaped eye (uc)

Floating eyes (r)

Floating mouths (r)

Details not showen/hidden:

He has claws but they are usually hidden to make him seem more innocent

The smoke can be different colors/more cartoony looking at times (He has a preference towards it being pink) and it may or may not be laughing gas as well but the world may never know

Personality/a bit about him:

In the beginning he seems to be extremely nice but it's really a facade for the most part (not completely though). He tends to be really jealous of others especially if they have all their teeth and they're in good condition. He's only that way because he has lost at least one of his teeth in a fight he had/was attacked when he was a child. He genuinely wants to make everyone happy but his own anger/resentment tends to get in the way really. At that point of his life he was willing to do absolutely anything for his goals even if it meant hurting others since he always perceived it to be for the greater good. He's luckily no longer sadistic as he used to be and is now basically in a villain in his permanent redemption arc. He isn't quite sure of what he's doing but he's trying to grow.

Random Facts:

The halo is fake

He is older than he looks really. He's a fully grown adult. About 37 give or take.

He is very well educated about teeth. But he is no longer that interested in them.

He has a bit of a habit (hah) of collecting teeth. Most are from the past and are all stolen. Luckily he no longer steal others teeth but he still owns his old collection but they are now hidden away from public view.

He has an absolutely love for flowers. He adores them more than anything else really. Lilies are his favorite though.

He has a major fear of heights and falling.

He also may not seem like it but he's also very tall as well by default. 7'7+

He surprisingly very easy to embarrass

He is extremely remorseful of the things he's done in the past so he has a ton of guilt and depression from that as well 

He has a lot of childhood trauma as well but that's not that fun to get into really