Dave Miller



2 years, 2 days ago


Dave Miller


Annoying • Harsh • Insecure

Name Dave Miller
Called Dave, “That Asshole”
Gender Genderqueer
Age Thirties-ish
Height 5’4”
Race Human / Ghost
Role Villain
Demeanor Pissed Off
HTML Pinky

He is not William Afton!! Dave Miller is instead the embodiment of what happens when you work in customer service for far too long. Bitter, angry, petty, and chock full of abandonment issues, he’s not exactly everyone’s friend, and is an unlikable manager to boot. Dave has worked for Fazbear Entertainment for a decade, staying on through multiple restaurant changes starting with the original pizzeria after the closing of Fredbear’s; he is unhealthily bonded with this job, seeing it as the only thing he has in what he sees as his pointless, pathetic life. As a result of this fatalism and repressed self-loathing towards his own existence, Dave is very possessive, and cannot handle what he sees as perceived betrayal. His emotions swing wildly, so it is both easy to talk him out of a negative thought cycle and yet very dangerous if he is left to stew in his head. His way of thinking often sharply diverts from others; his actions are likewise irrational or disproportional to others’ eyes. In short, Dave Miller is a mess, and desperately needs to break free from the toxic cycle he is stuck in, but whether that actually happens or not is indeterminate.



  • Silence or just things being quiet
  • Janie and Caldwell (mostly)
  • Brushing his hair
  • His Walkman


  • Most people
  • His job
  • Headaches
  • Loud and/or constant noise

Dave’s life has never been happy. He’s never had any meaningful relationships of any kind, and after spending years in retail/customer service jobs, his basic ability to like or even just tolerate other people is long gone. Lacking love or connection, he has instead found hollow meaning in his long-running stay with Fazbear Entertainment, and clings to it as his final lifeline. Despite his hatred towards his job, it is the basis of his fragile identity. This is why Dave has never quit, no matter how awful things get-as far as he knows, there is nothing else waiting for him in life. He has no ambitions, nor dreams, nor family whether blood or chosen. His years on the earth have blurred together. He couldn’t tell you much about his own memories, nor what he was like as a child. To Dave, the first twenty or so years of his life may as well have never happened.


In 1992, a year or so before the events of FNAF1, Dave’s entire world is thrown off balance upon learning that Kieran Caldwell (aka Phone Guy in canon) is set to quit within a week. Having worked alongside him for the past decade, Dave cannot accept him leaving, and lashes out furiously in response. In the main timeline of my canon, after days of reflection, he decides that he wishes to leave the job alongside Caldwell despite his lack of direction or plan; Dave then easily becomes attached to the idea of them forging a new life outside of Fazbear Entertainment. Unfortunately, Caldwell still meets the same bloody end as he does in game canon, devastating Dave and destroying the hope he had for such a short time. Trapped in grief and despair, he ends up staying at his job as a form of self-punishment. For the next year, Dave’s mental health spirals further, until even the one friend he has left can no longer be in his presence. He dies sometime in 1993 or early 1994 still lost in the depths of anger and hopelessness.


Despite his death, Dave’s powerful and profoundly negative emotions keep him from moving on. Tied to an existence he always hated, his bitterness twists into malice and violence; he takes the form of Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie in his second life. His role in leading the original animatronics to their dismantling was purely for the sake of vengeance, as he blames them for the death of Caldwell. Dave is still a ghost even in present day, still haunting both Fazbear Entertainment and the technology he once worked with.

  • I love him. A lot.
  • He uses strictly he/him pronouns, and prefers nouns/terms typically associated with women, such as ma’am, lady, girlfriend, etc.
  • Is a mega simp, and in serious denial over it.
  • When he was still alive, his favorite animatronic was Spring Bonnie.
  • Had a bad smoking habit in life. Fiercely protective of his cigarettes.

Janie Robinson

Once upon a time, she was one of the only friends Dave ever had, at least before his spiral. In present day, she still feels grief for his passing.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.