Carter Sun



2 years, 1 day ago




Name Carter Sun
Species Human
Age 22
Gender Trans Man
Pronouns He/They
Sexuality Gay
Theme info



Carter was born in Diamond City, the so-called Jewel of the Commonwealth (hint: it wasn't), and became just another child running through the shantytown after the eventual death of his father. No one paid them much mind. Only Abbott really noticed him, and that was purely because Carter liked to help the man as he paint the Wall. The remaining exceptions were other children, and it was here Carter met his best friends: Milo, Billie, and Ethan. The four were thick as thieves, and almost never seen apart. This continued throughout their younger years and into their teens. In his early adolescence, Carter discovered his attraction to men after finally accepting that his strong attachment to Milo was maybe something other than friendship; he'd always dismissed it as strictly platonic before.

Oddly enough, though, it was Ethan he began to date in the end, not Milo. Maybe the latter's lovesick glances towards Billie helped with that. They were painfully obvious. Either way, Carter adored his boyfriend dearly-and he also deeply worried for him. Ethan was anxiously adverse to violence of any sort, and refused to do anything that involved leaving the safety of the Wall. It was frightening to care so deeply for someone who might not be able to defend themself, if it came to that. Carter could only hope the two of them never had a reason to leave Diamond City.

That wish was not meant to be, however. After spending a night with his boyfriend under the bleachers, the next day Carter was accused by a couple from the upper stands of having stolen from them. As was typical, Diamond City security favored the word of the rich assholes over some kid from the bases. He was tossed in jail without a care from anyone who could have stopped it. He stayed in there for about three weeks before his friends managed a jailbreak. They were, of course, forced to flee Diamond City; the guards weren't above shooting teenagers. The four had seen it happen.

It was out here in the Commonwealth that everything in Carter's life began its long, painful downward spiral. Before, being an orphan in the "Great Green Jewel" had been ugly enough. None of them had ever traveled far beyond that, and so they were left with no guidance other than to strike in a random direction and hope for safety. It didn't last long. Ethan became separated from the group one day, and stayed missing as the days went on. Carter searched for him with a frenzy. He even snuck around raider and-god help him-Super mutant camps when Milo and Billie were sleeping, but his boyfriend was nowhere to be found. That is, until the three of them found a body near the banks of the river.

It was Ethan. Carter would know it anywhere. He had that birthmark on his neck, one they'd never seen on anyone else.

That was the end of his happiness.


It's been several years since that horrific incident. Carter, along with his friends and the help of the Sole Survivor, cleared out the Mirelurks that had taken over Spectacle Island after the deaths of the people living there before. After powering the once-inactive device keeping the aquatic creatures at bay, the island became a mostly safe place to live, only occasionally bothered by bolder raiders or hostile creatures. With the Minutemen helping keep them supplied, Carter and his friends found a new life away from the city center.

Unfortunately, he is still struggling deeply with the loss of his boyfriend, and his relationships with Milo and Billie are suffering badly. Carter cannot handle seeing them in a loving, romantic relationship while he drowns in despair over Ethan, and has become even more bitter and vindictive over time. He still contributes to keeping Spectacle Island going, but otherwise avoids his friends and any possible avenue for emotional help. His future is bleak and uncertain.


  • Ethan, Carter's deceased boyfriend, is the same teenager mentioned (and murdered) by the raiders at Backstreet Apparel
  • Was the one who found the Luck bobblehead, and gave it to Sole
  • Secretly wanted to flee to Goodneighbor after escaping Diamond City, but was too afraid to tell the others
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Carter's close friend and once-crush when they were younger teens. Presently, their friendship is under severe strain thanks to Carter's trauma responses to other people's romantic relationships and Milo's own struggle to help his friend.
Carter's close friend and one-time romantic rival when they were younger teens. Presently, like with Milo, their friendship is under severe pressure.


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I personally use stuff like this to let artists know what outfits to draw the character in, what not to skip, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ullamcorper rutrum consequat. Proin at nisl pretium, viverra sapien vel, iaculis tortor. Nulla fringilla lacus nec arcu sagittis facilisis. Nulla luctus vestibulum aliquam. Proin ac gravida ante.