Tasha Darcey



1 year, 11 months ago


Tasha Darcey had always felt stifled in her mundane existence as a convenience store clerk. Every day felt like a monotonous cycle of the same routine, devoid of excitement or fulfillment. That all changed one fateful night on her way home from work. While walking through the dimly lit streets of her neighborhood, she felt a sudden chill down her spine. Before she could react, a large, quadrupedal creature lunged at her, sinking its teeth into her shoulder. Quickly, she maced the hairy dog-like creature in its eyes, causing it to fall back as it whined in pain. Shocked and disoriented, she initially mistook the attacker for a stray dog, but the truth revealed itself with the arrival of the next full moon.

Enduring the excruciating pain of her first transformation, Tasha realized the extent of her newfound abilities. Instead of succumbing to fear or despair, she embraced her lycanthropy. No longer shackled by the confines of human society, she found solace and empowerment in her nightly prowls through the wilderness. With heightened senses and primal instincts guiding her, Tasha reveled in the freedom of her lupine form. No longer confined to the monotony of her former life, she embraced the thrill of the hunt and the untamed beauty of the moonlit forest. For Tasha, the bite that would seem like a curse to others had become the key to her self-discovery, unlocking a whole new life of freedom and fulfilment.