


1 year, 11 months ago


Title: The Earth, False God, Golden Ox

Name: Assiah

Gender: female

Age: ??? 

Occupation: ???

Enchantment: none

Symbol: Wind Direction

Assiah is a quite serious person. Despite their form being small, they are quite knowledgeable and wise like they have been living quite a while. They had a bigger form, it is called the "Golden Ox" form.

If Assiah is in an animation, I wanna make her eyes' dots spinning around the orbit like atoms.
Assiah's design is based of the ground's layer with the green head being a grass WWWWWW I call them "Grasshead" sometimes.

Assiah's birthday is on 22 April!! The same as earth day.

About the "False God" title
Formerly, Assiah was known as an entity that created the islands people are residing in. However, Assiah  created a big earthquake and separated the island into few parts. People thought that Assiah no longer favors them and wanting to fight mankind. So, golden statues of Assiah was burnt down (Like The Golden Ox from the Bible hehe) and the name "Assiah" became a forbidden word.