
1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info








Aracial, presents as Filipino as a human. Angel


Usually 7'0"/213 cm, in a human form



A strange angel who travels through several universes. Santana usually presents himself as a health inspector of sorts and shapeshifts to fit the universe he visits. He rarely stays in the same universe for a long time. Santana also spares little info of himself to inhabitants. It's unknown if he really is an angel, or if he's fallen, as he barely speaks of his own god.

Although Santana acts standoff-ish, he doesn't mean to act cold- it's just how he was raised. In actuality, he can be a little immature and petty, albeit rarely shown. Santana also has his own sense of justice, sometimes seeming to align with his own morals rather than his higher-ups, whoever they may be. Santana, while he is rather calculative and thoughtful, has his moments of clumsiness and vulnerability that he tries to hide, but if you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse. Honestly, he's a big fucking mess under all that cool. God help this man.

Santana has a soft spot for kids, even though he isn't used to caring for them, and holds a strong abhorrence for those who seek harm towards them.

Deep down, Santana carries heavy guilt from being a spectator of the universes. He feels that his attempts to gain a new universe for himself are worthless, but he can't bring himself to accept it. And so, he pushes on with his impossible task to record all universes for the god who abandoned him.


  • Devil cake, along with other chocolatey desserts
  • Citruses
  • Flowy clothes


  • Vanilla cake, along with any 'plain' desserts
  • The Almighty One
  • Getting close to others
  • Pure white clothing.


Santana's appearance tends to fluctuate, depending on what universe he's in. His default/human form has brown skin, dark brown, long hair that goes a bit below his shoulders, and a medium beard. His halo takes cover as a loop earring on his right ear, and his wings tend to be some kind of accessory on his outfit. He also wears glasses, as he is still used to having more eyes. Santana's eyes are bright orange, with subtle yellow loops that sometimes glow. He sometimes wears makeup, such as eyeshadow and lipstick, but never puts on a lot. He also has medium nails that he paints orange.

Santana's fashion sense tends to stay around formal fashion, dressed in a way that exudes a bit of a 'tired businessman' look. He doesn't wear suit jackets, however. Off-the-clock, however, he dresses casually and femininely, with shoulderless shirts being one of his favorite attire.

His true form is very rarely revealed, and is used as a self-defense mechanism for a last resort. No one who's seen it is heard from again.

In his past, Santana tended to don himself in pure white. Nowadays, it brings a bad taste in his mouth.


Shapeshifting- A well-used ability. Santana uses this to fit into whatever universe he lands in, as to not scare the inhabitants. Full transformations will take a good while to recharge, while small transformations (i.e., changing eye color) can be done simulatenously. 

Flying - Standard angel skill. Santana rarely uses his own wings on his free time, only using them if his current form has them visible.

Mind-burrowing - A kind of mind-reading that is used to look inside a person's memories, administered through Santana putting his hand on a person's face. Santana tries not to use this a lot, as it causes the target to pass out on contact, and it sickens him to look in certain people's minds.

Object Conjuration - Santana can summon objects out of nowhere and similarly can make them disappear. It's unknown where Santana gets these items from, but this power is prominent, as he uses it to conjure up his travel diary.

There are plenty more powers that Santana has that are unlisted, but these are main ones that pertain to Santana the most.


  • His concept came from a dream I had where this guy was some kind of inspector at Freddy's. His design, however, comes from an unused OC of mine, who was inspired off of VRY2K's Gordon (he is pretty.)
  • Santana likes jazz music! Speaking of jazz. here's his playlist of songs he'd like... mixed with songs that remind me of him (Youtube link)
    • He likes fusion/acid jazz the most, but also likes the occasional metal
  • His name comes from the band 'Santana'. also based off of this one hlvrai comic of benrey singing santana
  • Genuinely believed angel cake and devil cake were made of actual angels and devils. Still ate them
    • He also ate a weed bunt when he was offered one without explanation
  • He doesn't have a home, since he sees no need to, as he's constantly travelling. If he needs to sleep, he just finds the nearest vacant area (empty garbage bin, tree, etc.) and rests there
  • With each morning and night, Santana will take his time to pray, as he believes that he'll lose his chance to gain a new universe if he doesn't, every day. For safety precautions, he also prays before he enters and after he exits a universe.
  • Has several intrusive thoughts but he doesn't know they're intrusive thoughts, as he's never heard of the concept. He tries to make up for them by doing something good for the universe he's in that he perceives won't affect it majorly, or burying himself in analyzing more universes.
  • He was gonna be a grim reaper of sorts for anomalies in multiple universes but 1.) That's a bit tough when ur existence affects the universe and 2.) He's already been through so much