Benjamin Bager



6 years, 5 months ago


what are the odds?

Name Benjamin Bager

Age 26

Gender Male{he/him}

Creature Human

Occupation Pool Hustler at the Crown Pearl

Alignment Chaotic Neutral


Benjamin Bager, a pool hustler- former pool hustler, that is. Benny boy insists he's gone clean since his last brush with death- being thrown into the Mirror Pool Lake at the center of town with a nice new pair of cement shoes after his "buddies" framed him for the death of his old boss. He'd said his peace, promising himself and whatever Gods were out there that if he did survive, he really would turn a new (gold) leaf.

But what were the odds of that, right?

Benjamin was saved in a stroke of near- miraculous luck by a strange, ghostly figure- picked up like neither he nor his cement anchor weighed a thing at all. The strange man cut him free of his bonds, wrapped him up in a warm cruise-ship blanket, and deposited him gently back on land with a tangle of sweet emotions that made him feel comforted even as he crawled his way to his old apartment and informed the folks trying to locate him exactly what had happened to him.

Now both jobless and friendless, Benjamin had two choices, really- to follow through and change his ways, or to take an offer from a mysterious decadent ettercap who wanted him to work his same hustle at his own casino, "just to keep the gamblers on their toes".


...Well, he's been lucky for so long, what could possibly go wrong?

Benny boy know runs the pool hall of the Crown Pearl with a gilded fist, claiming some latent magical heritage for just how he wins as often as he does. He likes the job and the company enough, but in his spare time, he sits by the lake, wondering just who was that stranger who saved him....


- Voiceclaim: TBA
- Uses liquid gold as eyeliner. he's very careful to try and save what he can when he washes his face in the morning.

- His "lucky" weighted pool cue is also a very effective weapon in case of a brawl. He knows tis from experience.

- REALLY wants one of those glossy aesthetic fish tanks.

- Considers any and all other overwhelmingly lucky pool player his rival.

"Feelin' lucky, buster?"

HTML by lowkeywicked